At the core of UNIDO’s mandate lie green and climate-resilient industrial pathways through leveraging innovative and technological solutions. Accelerating climate action is a vital global necessity, particularly for the highly-vulnerable LDCs which are among the countries most negatively affected by the climate crisis. Therefore, climate-resilient industries through maximization of synergies between priority areas such as clean energy, agribusiness development, food security, circular economy, waste management and biosphere protection are becoming ever more important. Through its ISID mandate, UNIDO promotes a number of initiatives in LDCs to tackle climate change, environmental degradation and fossil fuel dependency through knowledge and environmentally sound technological transfer.
The session will bring together international high-level representatives from international organizations, Regional Economic Communities, private sector institutions and Non-Governmental Organizations, to discuss opportunities for upscaling green and climate-resilient economic pathways in LDCs, in line with priority area 5, “Addressing climate change, environmental degradation, recovering from COVID-19 pandemic and building resilience against future shocks for risk-informed sustainable development,”, of the Doha Programme of Action. It is anticipated that the discussion will yield actionable insights and recommendations for policymakers, stakeholders, and industry leaders, facilitating the adoption of environmentally responsible practices and technologies that will spur economic development and resilience in these vulnerable regions.