Industrial Development Board, 23rd session
Briefing on ITPOs
UNIDO invited Member States and guests attending the 23rd session of the Industrial Development Board to a presentation on the activities of the Investment and Technology Promotion Offices (ITPOs) given by the ITPO Heads.
Opening the session, Ms. Lian Dang, Director of UNIDO Investment and Technology Promotion Branch, said that the purpose of this briefing was to meet the ITPO heads and discuss with them activities of their offices.
Welcoming guests, Mr. Yo Maruno, Deputy to the UNIDO Director-General and Managing Director of the Investment Promotion and Institutional Capacity-Building Division, said that the guiding aim was to bring ITPOs into the mainstream of UNIDO activities to promote synergies between UNIDO programmes, on the one hand, and the priorities of ITPOs host countries, on the other.
"The ITPO network represents a unique asset for UNIDO giving it a distinct edge over other organizations involved in investment and technology promotion. Through the network, the UNIDO working relations with the private sector enterprises offer a window of investment and technology opportunity for the industrialized nations that would otherwise be unavailable," he said.
Before the individual presentations, Mr. Victor Zakharian, ITPO Coordinator, made a short introduction of the mandate, functions and strategic directions of the ITPO network.