Permanent Missions, UN personnel and members of the International Gender Champions initiative are kindly invited to the 2020 Enabling Environment Week, a series of webinars from 19 to 23 October 2020 to mark the one-year anniversary of the Enabling Environment Guidelines. This is a joint initiative of the Gender Focal Points and Focal Points of Women of the Vienna-based Organizations - CTBTO, IAEA, IOM - Regional Office Vienna, UNCITRAL, UNIDO, UNOOSA and UNOV/UNODC, with support of the International Gender Champions initiative.
The Enabling Environment Guidelines (EEGs) and their accompanying Supplementary Guidance for the United Nations System were developed in 2019 in response to the Secretary General's System-wide Strategy on Gender Parity. The EEGs provide UN system-wide guidance on recruitment, workplace flexibility, talent management, standards of conduct and family-friendly policies aimed at creating a more diverse, inclusive and respectful work environment - both as a precursor to achieving gender parity and a key to sustaining it.
Please contact UNOV/UNODC's diversity coordinator (anna.pfeiffer@un.org) should you need any specific accommodation to facilitate your participation in the EEWeek webinars.