What is the MIPF?
Industrial policy is back at the top of governments’ agendas. As several scholars observe: the question is not whether countries need industrial policies, but rather how to leverage them to achieve the intended development outcomes aligned with the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. UNIDO established the Multilateral Industrial Policy Forum (MIPF) to spur debates over how industrial policies can best be leveraged to (i) promote productivity and growth; (ii) strengthen resilience and environmental sustainability, and (iii) address societal challenges.
MIPF is a global platform that creates a space for Member States to engage in mutual learning, information exchange and knowledge sharing on cross-cutting thematic issues, such as greening the economy, digitalization and technology transfer, and the achievement of the SDGs. It aims to foster stronger multilateral collaboration on industrial development and policy issues at the regional and global levels between policymakers and practitioners, development researchers and business professionals.
UNIDO’s policy learning mechanism
The MIPF offers interactive learning sessions which grant participants the opportunity to learn from each other’s policymaking experiences and best practices.
UNIDO’s policy learning mechanism endorses:
- A mediating instead of a mentoring approach
- Face-to-face consultations between Member States
- Real-time learning and a focus on state-of-the-art innovative solutions to industrial policy issues
- Assessment of policy recommendations’ practical implications and options for support provided by UNIDO’s technical assistance services
- Country ownership and public-private dialogue in the formulation and revision of industrial policies.

Monday 20 March 2023
1. Opening segment and keynote address by Jeffrey Sachs
2. High-level segment on the future of industrial policy
Tuesday 21 March 2023 – Interactive learning sessions
1. Industrial Policy for Energy Efficiency
2. Industrial Policy for Green Hydrogen
3. Climbing the Ladder of Digitalization
4. Gender and Industrial Policy
Countries cannot build resilience, identify development gaps and respond to challenges without evidence-based and tailored industrial policy