Eighth ISID Forum: Partnerships for Socio-Economic Recovery
Vienna, Austria (Vienna International Centre), 29 November 2021, 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. (CET)
UNIDO organizes regular forums on inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID). These forums bring together UNIDO Member States and partners to engage in a dialogue on various aspects of industrial development, exchange knowledge and best practices, and forge networks of collaboration for advancing ISID.
The Eighth ISID Forum featured an interactive discussion on “Partnerships for socio-economic recovery” in the context of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Forum took place on 29 November 2021 as part of the nineteenth session of the UNIDO General Conference.
The recording of the forum in English is available here from 7:10:30. You can also watch it in other un languages.
The press release is available here.
The event featured opening remarks, a keynote speech, and one moderated high-level panel discussion (Davos-style).
Panel Discussion
Panellists discussed how multi-stakeholder approaches, such as the UNIDO Programme for Country Partnership (PCP), galvanize socio-economic recovery and contribute to countries’ efforts to build back better from COVID-19, in support of the UN Decade of Action.
The Forum brought together high-level government representatives from PCP countries to present their first-hand experiences and lessons learned, as well as partners from the UN development system, international and regional organizations, financial institutions, and other development actors to share their views.
Biographies of the Speakers
More Information
For more information on the PCPs, click here.