Global Call for Innovative Solutions in Cleantech and Sustainable Land Management

Climate change is one of the greatest global challenges of our time: Its adverse effects require the rapid reduction of existing emission levels as well as the prevention of further emissions growth in rapidly developing regions. Only a combination of both approaches will allow us to achieve the targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. New technologies do not only play a significant role for climate change mitigation and adaptation, they also offer opportunities for more sustainable ways of development. Investments in these technologies and their application in developing countries and economies in transition will be a catalyzer for the achievement of the SDGs. An important pathway to limit climate change lies in the transformation of the global energy sector from fossil-based to zero-carbon. Another pathway lies in sustainable land management, offering potential to reduce emissions, sequester carbon and increase resilience. Constant innovation and new technologies in cleantech and sustainable land management are urgently needed.
The Global Call is aimed at identifying “innovative solutions in cleantech and sustainable land management”. Its objective is to identify readily deployable and scalable solutions to address the adverse effects of climate change and ultimately contribute to inclusive and sustainable economic development.
Initiated by the UNIDO Investment and Technology Promotion Office (ITPO) Germany in close collaboration with a leading German Think Tank, Future Cleantech Architects (FCA), the Global Call is being implemented by UNIDO’s Investment and Technology Promotion (ITP) Network with its nine ITPOs around the world and in collaboration with other UN organizations, including the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).
Objectives of the contest:
The Global Call has the objective to identify and promote innovative technologies from the private sector in cleantech and sustainable land management, to address the adverse effects of climate change and ultimately contribute to inclusive and sustainable economic development.
Priority will be given to applications from the following strategic categories, including solutions for:
Innovative solutions for decarbonizing growing urban environments by addressing the demands and distribution of water, agricultural, energy, mobility and other resources, as well as solutions for areas that are vulnerable to climate change (e.g. coastal areas)
Innovative solutions for generating and distributing energy in a clean and smart way, especially affordable and decentralized renewable energy solutions that are applicable in developing countries
Innovative solutions related to the re-use, re-cycling and re-manufacturing of resources, as well as energy and process efficiency solutions and smart approaches for more climate-cautious consumption
Innovative solutions for productive lands, including new technologies and approaches to production with a demonstrable positive contribution to soil health, land rehabilitation and combating desertification.
Read more about the definition of the 4 categories here.
The Global Call seeks to identify solutions that have the potential to be scaled and have a significant impact. The award will strengthen the international fight against climate change through the promotion of innovative technologies in cleantech and sustainable land management.
A maximum of twelve winners will be given the opportunity to present their innovative solution to a large audience during the Global Call award ceremony and will benefit from ad hoc promotional and networking support provided by the organization.
Applications had to be submitted between 1 July and 2 August 2021.
Winners will be contacted in September, following the evaluation period.
The Award Ceremony will be held as a hybrid event in Remscheid, Germany and via live stream on 26 October 2021.
For any clarification or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us: