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Deadline extended! Call for Proposals (Programme for Innovation in Climate Adaptation and Resilience Building Solutions)

26 November 2024

Programme for Innovation in Climate Adaptation and Resilience Building Solutions

The United Nations Development Organization (UNIDO) invites experts to submit written grant proposals for the “Programme for Innovation in Climate Adaptation and Resilience Building Solutions (PARS)“ financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The purpose of this call for proposals is to identify partners to execute two components of the GEF/ UNIDO project:

  • Create a conducive policy environment to stimulate the development and deployment of innovative climate adaptation and support the uptake of resilience building solution;
  • Develop innovative financial instruments for climate adaptation and resilience building solutions.

The PARS project seeks to unlock the ingenuity and creativity of micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to drive innovative climate adaptation and resilience building solutions in the Least Developing countries (LDCs). The project  focuses on four pillars that will transform and connect the markets for climate adaptation and resilience building solutions within and across participating countries:

  1. Creating a conducive policy and regulatory environment to stimulate the development and deployment of innovative climate adaptation and resilience building solutions;
  2. Development and deployment of innovative climate adaptation and resilience building solutions;
  3. Development of innovative financial instruments for climate adaptation and resilience building solutions;
  4. Coordination, Knowledge Management and Learning.

For more information about PARS, please visit here: Global Environment Facility approves UNIDO Programme to drive innovation for climate adaptation and resilience | UNIDO

Deadline for submission: 20 January 2025

For more information, please visit UNIDO e-Procurement portal: Procurement opportunities | UNIDO