Finalists of 2021 Global Chemical Leasing Award announced
21 July 2021

VIENNA, 21 July 2021 – The finalists of the 2021 Global Chemical Leasing Award were announced: in the three main categories (case studies, innovation and research) as well and in the Special Award categories (women-led initiatives and start-ups), the nominations are (in alphabetical order):
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, South Africa
- Dunger, Ukraine
- Ecolab, Croatia
- Equator Bottlers Company, Kenya
- Finlays Corporate, Sri Lanka
- Fumajet, Brazil
- Hollu Systemhygiene GmbH, Austria
- Nils Decker, Germany
- Novo Hotel & Suites, El Salvador
- Plava Laguna, Croatia
- Polikem, Colombia
- Sinomine Specialty Fluids, United Kingdom
- Smart Chemistry - SMACH, Ecuador
The first Global Chemical Leasing Award was organized in 2010, and was followed by ceremonies in 2012, 2014 and 2018. This year’s Live Ceremony will be organized on 15 September 2021 in a hybrid format, with online features that will allow for discussions on Chemical Leasing, performance-based business approaches, and sustainable chemical management.
“The Jury reviewed 92 very impressive applications from 21 countries”, said Gabriela Eigenmann, Global Chemical Leasing Programme Coordinator. “The award ceremony will be live streamed from the Ares Tower, on top of Vienna. The beautiful view, together with information on best practices from different parts of the world, will create an inspiring and unforgettable experience!”.
In addition to the above award categories, UNIDO and its partners will recognize “Chemical Leasing forerunners” for their long-standing commitment to the performance-based business model, which offers concrete solutions for the sound management of chemicals, the reduction of emissions and for a more efficient use of resources.
“Chemical Leasing actually requires a modest amount of efforts compared to the benefits that can be achieved”, said Stephan Sicars, Managing Director, UNIDO Directorate of Environment and Energy. “Chemical Leasing continues to revolutionize the way we do business with chemicals, and addresses the urgent need to reduce the impact of chemicals production and consumption on the environment, water and human health”.
The Chemical Leasing business model was developed by the Austrian government and UNIDO in the early 2000s. The Global Chemical Leasing Award is co-organized by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK), the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety (BMU), the German Environment Agency (UBA), the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), and the European Association of Chemical Distributors (FECC).
For more information, please contact:
Maria Grineva
Communications Coordinator
Global Chemical Leasing Award