Senegal: Integrated Industrial Parks
Senegal: Integrated Industrial Parks
Under the Programme for Country Partnership Senegal, both existing and new industrial parks are operationalized through fully-fledged institutional capacity-building and integrated management and promotion support for national structures. The development of industrial parks is supported through the provision of feasibility studies, management and governance modalities, and promotion strategies as well as an additional upgrading Programme for National and Local structures.
The government in 2017 adopted the new reform on Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and the related incentive package. In addition, the operationalization of SEZ governance was initiated. UNIDO supported the government through the drafting of two laws and related decrees, as well as advisory support for the drafting of agreements between APIX and the Agency for Management and Promotion of Industrial Sites (APROSI) and the respective administrations (customs, labour, environment, tax, etc.) for the establishment of the one-stop-shop in Diamniadio.
The industrial parks of Diamniadio, Sandiara and Diass were granted SEZ status by the government.
The industrial park Diamniadio represents a substantial flagship industrial project. The main aim is to establish a one-stop service center to provide maintenance, logistic, security, and equipment services. In this context, UNIDO’s technical assistance included the provision of advisory services for the development and management of Diamniadio through the development of its business model and investment incentive package, the finalization of legal aspects related to the management and administration of the park, among others. The park is already operational with seven companies from various countries, including China, Côte d’Ivoire, France, Senegal and Tunisia.
A recent report on SEZs by the government indicates the possible future development of eight SEZs in Senegal, including industrial parks, a regional mining hub and tourist zones. UNIDO also supported the SEZs through investment promotion, including investors’ visits to the parks.
Further information about PCP Senegal is available here.