UNIDO launches global knowledge platform to promote sustainable industrial parks and special economic zones
21 June 2022

VIENNA, 21 June 2022 – The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) launched the beta version of its Sustainable Industrial Park Platform (SIPP), a global knowledge and resource centre for industrial parks and other related area development initiatives.
“Also known as special economic zones or industrial districts/corridors, industrial parks are essential to promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization as they help developing countries and economies in transition overcome numerous constraints that hinder industrialization progress. Such challenges include limited access to information, technology, finance, infrastructure, and weak institutions as well as high production and transaction costs”, said Ciyong Zou, Managing Director of the Directorate of Programme, Partnerships and Field Coordination. “It is crucial to replicate and scale up success stories and innovative approaches to bring tangible results and impact, as well as to address existing gaps and constraints related to industrial parks development”.
The SIPP therefore seeks to bridge the knowledge gap related to industrial parks, thereby allowing stakeholders to exchange knowledge and best practices. The SIPP is further designed to enhance the sharing of data, analysis, and tools as well as to promote partnerships and cooperation among policy makers, the private sector, development agencies, civil society organizations and academia. Accordingly, the SIPP will also connect experts and facilitate matchmaking by accelerating dialogue among various actors and by providing capacity building activities.
Moreover, by capturing best practices and innovative ideas, the SIPP provides a systemic approach to support “progress by innovation” to deliver value through learning. As a South-South cooperation model, the SIPP helps replicate and upscale good practices while facilitating technology transfer, it thus contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The SIPP was developed with financial support from the Government of China.
For more information, please contact:
Zhao Jie
Chief of Asia and the Pacific Regional Coordination Division