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UNIDO at the UEFA EURO 2024

23 July 2024


Berlin – Throughout the UEFA EURO 2024 tournament, UNIDO stressed sustainability and fair global supply chains in connection to textile production, particularly in relation to major international football events like EURO 2024, where the issue of sustainability is growing in prominence.

In May, UNIDOs Investment and Technology Promotion Office (ITPO) Berlin brought the topic of “sustainable supply chains and football” to the Greentech Festival, a global platform promoting innovative green technologies as solutions on the road to net-zero emissions. At the Festival, ITPO Berlin hosted two panels on integrating sustainability into sports: The panel "Sustainable Goals by UNIDO" was joined by experts including Olivia Henke (Board of Directors of the Foundation Development and Climate Alliance), Simon Rasch (Sustainability Manager, German Football Association DFB), Johannes Axster (Co-founder of the global soccer movement COMMON GOAL), Marcel Richert (Managing Director, CAMM Solutions) and Christoph Beaufils (Brand Manager of the world's largest sports trade fair, ISPO). The panel "Sustainability meets EURO 2024" was joined by Jana Reiter (Plant for the Planet Foundation ambassador ), Mathias Diestelmann (CEO Brands Fashion, sustainable fan merchandise), and Gordon Knebel (Union Berlin Football Club). During its broader presence at the Greentech Festival, ITPO Berlin emphasized the power and necessity of technology-driven transparency, discussing with Coca-Cola and Nespresso Germany, amongst others, how to reduce emissions in the supply chains of their products by addressing scope 3 shortcomings.

UNIDO has been actively promoting sustainability in sports apparel value chains. Coinciding with the EURO 2024 and on the occasion of the WTO 9th Global Review of Aid for Trade UNIDO reiterated its commitment and joined forces with additional partners as part of the "Partners of the Cotton Initiative", assisting African cotton producers in the global football apparel market. UNIDO is offering its expertise to bring more local value addition in the cotton sector and support the development of a truly inclusive and sustainable textile industry in the Cotton Four countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali) and Côte d'Ivoire. Supported by international partners like FIFA, WTO, Afreximbank, ILO, ITC, this project emphasizes traceability, operational sustainability, and the circular economy. As part of the project goals, the partners are aiming for a 20% increase in crop yields, the establishment of 15 new garment companies, and the creation of 100,000 jobs.

Finally, UNIDO presented its activities at the Football for Sustainability Summit, where the Organization was part of the "Sustainability in Supply Chains" event alongside Adidas, Puma, Brands Fashion, and more. The event centered on sustainable sourcing, ethical labour practices, and green logistics in football clubs and brands. The summit, hosted by three German Federal Ministries, explored sustainability within sportswear and merchandise supply chains. German Development Minister Svenja Schulze gave the inaugural keynote address, emphasizing the critical importance of sustainability in football, as an example for fans around the world.

Sustainable Sportswear Panelists: Olaf Deutschbein (Head of UNIDO ITPO Germany Berlin office), Anja Gfall (Director Sustainability Stakeholder Engagment Adidas), Anton Klischewski (Coordinator, FC Internationale Berlin 1980 e.V.), Mathias Diestelmann (CEO, Brands Fashion), Carsten Stender (Head of Department, BMAS), Ahsan Naeem (CEO, Vision Technologies), Hannes Utescher (Globalvorhaben Sport für Entwicklung, GIZ).
UNIDO at the Football for Sustainability Summit