Zambia’s Central Veterinary Research Institute Accredited
16 November 2017

LUSAKA, 16 November 2017 – Zambia’s Central Veterinary Research Institute (CVRI) laboratories have been accredited by the Southern African Development Community Accreditation Services (SADCAS) in the scope of chemical analysis, bacteriology and serology. The accreditation is a fruit of the Norad-funded United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) project, Trade Capacity Building for Zambia (Phase II), which supported the re-engineering of the National Quality Infrastructure, with the aim of increasing private sector participation in service delivery and public support institutions, specifically in food safety inspection and accreditation.
The CVRI is responsible for providing solutions to the livestock business through innovative veterinary services which cover a wide range of technical disciplines including training, research, and epidemiology. Through its services, the CVRI contributes towards safeguarding Zambia’s animal and public health by providing timely and accurate diagnostic laboratory support.
The accreditation certificate, issued on 14 August 2017, covers various tests which allow CVRI to contribute to facilitating trade through providing credible laboratory services in support of CVRI’s diagnostic services.
Speaking during the certificate handover ceremony, Maureen P Mutasa, the SADCAS Chief Executive Officer said that “accreditation contributes towards national social and economic development. Ultimately accreditation helps reduce poverty and improves the quality of our lives.”
Dr Yona Sinkala, the Director of Veterinary Services, at the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, spoke of the significance of the accreditation achievement to the nation as a whole, the Government, the Ministry, CVRI and all its clients. In particular, he highlighted the role that accreditation plays in enhancing competitiveness of products and access to markets, especially the export of meat and milk products.
For more information, please contact:
UNIDO Department of Trade, Investment and Innovation
Read more about the accreditation here: