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Kigali Amendment - Vienna Talks (13-15 June 2017)

List of presentations based on days and sessions.

13 June

Opening Session

Kigali Amendment: new scenario, new opportunities

- Analysis of Kigali Amendment. Ole NIELSEN, UNIDO

- Regulatory framework, benefits and policies for the ratification. Rodica IVAN, UNIDO

Outcomes from ODS alternatives surveys: gaps, challenges and best practices 

Summary and general analysis on UNIDO conducted surveys on ODS alternatives. Ester MONROY, UNIDO

Presentation from countries:

- Chile. Claudia Paratori, NOU

- Cameroon. Peter Ayuk ENOH, NOU

- Bosnia and Herzegovina. Azra ROGOVIC‐GRUBIC, NOU


Strengthening industry from a gender perspective

- Women in Refrigeration. Ina COLOMBO, International Institute of Refrigeration

- UNIDO's approach on gender mainstreaming. Akos KOESZEGVARY, UNIDO

Country experiences on HFCs regulation & policies

- Europe: F‐Gas regulation. Paul KRAJNIK, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management

- Enforcing ODS & F‐Gas Regulation: the experiences of Croatia and EUROPOL. Igor JAKUPIC, EUROPOL
/ Customs Directorate of Croatia

- Replacement of old and inefficient appliances in the residential sector in Mexico. Agustín SÁNCHEZ,
NOU Mexico

- Ratification of the Kigali Amendment: the experience of Mali. Modibo SACKO, NOU Mali

Opportunities for enabling activities for ratification and reporting  

- OzonAction support for Article 5 countries in the new HCFC/HFC era. Jim CURLIN, UN Environment

- UNIDO's vision. Riccardo SAVIGLIANO, UNIDO

14 June

Back to the future I. Alternative solutions for the phase‐down of HFCs: available options to promote non HFCs‐based technologies

- Overview of alternatives in different applications. Armin HAFNER, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

- Highlights of UNIDO Initiatives

     The Gambia: Innovative partnerships. Bafoday SANYANG, NOU Gambia & Katinka VIGH, UNIDO

     Egypt: Promotion of low‐GWP technologies. Ezzat LEWIS, NOU Egypt & Lamia BENABBAS, UNIDO

     Tanzania: Refrigerant quality. Magdalena JOHN, NOU Tanzania & Rodrigo SERPA, UNIDO  

Back to the future II. Alternative solutions for the phase‐down of HFCs: market barriers and options to overcome them  

- Market barriers (based on the Chinese case) and options to avoid them, including South‐South Cooperation. Dou YANWEI, China Household Electrical Appliance Association

- UNIDO approach in the Caribbean. Ozunimi ITI, UNIDO

- Certification schemes and standards. Marco BUONI, Centro Studi Galileo

- Partnerships with the private sector to mitigate barriers. Ganna ONYSKO, UNIDO

- Sustainable procurement to mitigate barriers. Michael DETHLEFSEN, UNIDO

Energy efficiency: the key element  

- UNIDO initiatives and programmes on energy efficient appliances. Rana GHONEIM, UNIDO

- New business models for resource efficiency. Petra SCHWAGER, UNIDO

- Energy savings in refrigeration. Tamás GRÓF, International Expert

- District cooling. Dalibor KYSELA, UNIDO

Wrap‐up and closure

- Our strategy and results concerning energy efficiency and GHG reduction on supermarket level. Franz HÖLZL, SPAR

- Interactive session / discussion. Nina MASSON, International Expert

15 June

Special session for African countries

- Italian bilateral cooperation in Africa on environmental issues. Bruna KOHAN, Environmental Cooperation Program of the Italian Ministry for Environment in Africa

- Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa (IDDA III). Edme KOFFI, UNIDO

- Technology options for air conditioning in buildings and in the cold chain. Gabriella RAGO and Barbara GONELLA, ISPRA – Italy

- Refrigeration in cold chain in Africa. Yvonne LOKKO, UNIDO

Special session for African countries

- Training and provision of equipment: keys for the refrigeration servicing sector in Africa. Marco BUONI, AREA

Practical session on refrigerant identifiers

- Use and best practices in the use of refrigerant identifiers. Ole NIELSEN, Chief Montreal Protocol Division, UNIDO