New UNIDO publication on Quality Infrastructure and the SDGs
14 January 2020
14 January 2020 – If companies want to access and compete in new markets, they have to demonstrate the quality and safety of their goods and services and comply with international standards in the target markets. Quality Infrastructure is a system offering a complete package covering essential aspects such as policy, institutions, service providers, and the value-adding use of international standards and conformity assessment procedures.
A new publication from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), entitled, “Rebooting Quality Infrastructure for a Sustainable Future”, is a call for action for rethinking and adapting Quality Infrastructure (QI) to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to respond to the impacts of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, including artificial intelligence, smart manufacturing, smart energy, smart agriculture and the circular economy. UNIDO argues that QI development needs to undergo a paradigm shift to adapt to these changes and sustainably and effectively contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.
The publication also demonstrates through concrete examples and QI success stories from UNIDO and stakeholders worldwide how QI contributes to three key dimensions of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – People, Prosperity, and Planet - and in doing so, how it can serve the sustainable development paradigm within the framework of a circular economy.
The publication is primarily aimed at policymakers, people working in national QI systems, and other QI stakeholders. It is also relevant for those developing national implementation plans for the SDGs.
Click here to read the publication
For more information, please contact:
Dominika Dor