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2 Round Table 2 Tuesday, 2 December 2003, 09:00-11:00 CET
Conference Room B
  Industry and Environment -
The Need for a New Industrial Revolution
 Issue Paper


The second Round Table on Industry and Environment addressed the issues related to another important MDG, namely ensuring environmental sustainability.

Ever since the publication of the Brutland Report in 1987, there have been calls to radically rethink the relationship between industry and environment and to change the current and unsustainable patterns of production and consumption in order to preserve the productive capacity of natural ecosystems for future generations. The Round Table discussed the relatively new ideas put forward under the titles of "Natural Capitalism" and "Cradle to Cradle", which plead for circular flows of materials, and for a move towards the use of non-fossil-carbon energy sources.

The applicability of these somewhat radical programmes in the situations prevailing in the developing countries were among the major topics of discussion.

Keynote Speaker 
Ms. Hunter LovinsCo-Chair, Natural Capitalism Group, USA
Co-Author of the Book, Natural Capitalism
Mr. Fritz BalkauDirector, Cleaner Production Operations, UNEP
Mr. Michael BraungartManaging Director, EPEA, Germany
Mr. Hans-Peter EglerHead, Cleaner Production Operations, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, Switzerland
Mr. Suresh PrabhuMember of Parliament, former Minister of Industry and former Minister of Environment in the Government of India, now Chairman of the Task Force on River Inter-Linking
Mr. Leopold ZahrerDirector General in the Waste Management and Environmental Technologies Department of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Austria
Mr. Edward Clarence-SmithSenior Industrial Development Officer, UNIDO
Ms. Jacqueline McGladeExecutive Director, European Environment Agency

 Continue to Round Table 3 ...
 List of Round Tables
 General Conference, 10th session