Global consultations on circular economy
UNIDO has been actively promoting circular economy as a viable solution to global challenges, including the climate crisis, biodiversity loss, ocean pollution, and resource and ecosystem degradation.
The General Conference, in its resolution GC.18/Res.7, requested UNIDO to organize consultations on circular economy for experts from Member States with a view to facilitating exchanges on best practices, emerging innovations and the promotion and adoption of circular economy principles and practices by industries of Member States.
The global consultations on circular economy aim to consider ways and means to promote circular economy principles and practices, in particular in developing countries, identify barriers and devise action-oriented solutions.
Queries relating to the global consultations on circular economy should be addressed to the Secretariat at CircularEconomy@unido.org
Regional preparatory meetings were held on 23, 26 and 30 September 2022.
Queries relating to the global consultations on circular economy should be addressed to the Secretariat at CircularEconomy@unido.org
Regional preparatory meeting for the African Group
Regional preparatory meeting for the Asian and the Pacific Group
Regional preparatory meeting for the Eastern European Group
Regional preparatory meeting for the Latin America and the Caribbean Group
Regional preparatory meeting for the Western European and other States Group
Written statements by international organizations
The first round of global consultations on circular economy was held virtually from 10 to 12 May 2021, co-chaired by Her Excellency Ms. Leonore Gewessler, Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology of Austria, and Her Excellency Ms. Andrea Meza Murillo, Minister of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica.
The global consultations were preceded by five regional preparatory meetings in November 2020. More than 430 representatives from Member States, United Nations entities, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, the private sector, industry and academia contributed to the discussions. The outcomes were submitted to the forty-ninth session of the Industrial Development Board and subsequently to the nineteenth session of the General Conference.
Background information and notes
Written statements
Background information and notes
Main findings
Regional preparatory meeting for the African Group
Regional preparatory meeting for the Asian and the Pacific Group
Regional preparatory meeting for the Eastern European Group
Regional preparatory meeting for the Latin America and the Caribbean Group
Regional preparatory meeting for the Western European and other States Group
Written statements by international organizations