Why this Guide?
It is widely recognized by both multilateral and bilateral development partners that enhancement of the capacity to participate in global trade is critical for economic growth in developing countries. This has put the need for trade-related technical assistance on the forefront of economic development.
Bilateral and multilateral development partners provide a wide range of services which often need to complement each other if they are to support national trade development needs and strategies in a coherent and efficient manner.
In response to such needs, UNIDO has published the first edition of the Trade Capacity Building Inter-agency Resource Guide in 2008, followed by enhanced editions in 2010 and 2015. As of 2017 the guide has been made available online and is updated regularly.
The Guide has been welcomed by multilateral and bilateral development partners as well as policy-makers in developing countries as a useful and informative tool in the area of trade capacity building. It has been acknowledged that the Resource Guide is a unique source of information for developing countries and donors for the development of technical assistance programmes, and serves to facilitate the coordination of trade capacity-building activities.
What's New?
In response to growing demand, a new and further enhanced fourth edition has now been made available. The 2017 edition of the Trade Capacity Building Resource Guide further increases its relevance in the area of trade-related technical assistance by sharpening its focus on the emerging dynamic trends, in particular, on the increasing relevance of e-commerce, digital economy and related services for global trade and cross-cutting issues such as gender mainstreaming, employment and youth, which play an integral role in all trade-related services.
The Guide now comprises 31 OECD countries, including all OECD, DAC members and 17 G20 members, some of which also OECD members. This compilation of major bilateral and multilateral technical assistance services as well as inclusion of e-commerce and digital economy the area of trade capacity building represents a milestone, which is expected to significantly increase both the coverage and potential use of the Guide.
Visit the official Trade Capacity Building Resource Guide website: https://tii.unido.org/