A new strategy to set up industrial policy in Guinea
30 June 2022

CONAKRY, 30 JUNE 2022 – Within the framework of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization’s (UNIDO) support to the Government of Guinea, an important milestone was achieved when during a high-level event the policy’s vision and objectives were set as well as the inherent measures to ensure a successful implementation.
“We are very grateful for UNIDO’s overall support in developing our industrial policy and specifically for its assistance in formulating an industrial policy for the Republic of Guinea”, said Mamady Balla Camara, Director of Industry, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Small and Medium enterprises. “Based on clear evidence regarding the current state of industrial affairs, the Government is proud to coordinate the drafting and validation of the policy, in consultation with all relevant stakeholders”.
The high-level event brought together representatives from the public and private sectors, including Bernard Gomou, Minister of Commerce, Industry and Small and Medium Enterprises; Lanciné Condé, Minister of Economy and Finance; and Ousmane Gaoual Diallo, Minister of Urbanism, Habitat and Territorial Management; which allowed for a constructive exchange on potential orientations of the new industrial policy.
Concurrently, through an industrial policy writing workshop, UNIDO provided support to policy makers from various government agencies who are responsible for industrial development-related issues to collaboratively write up the different sections of the policy document. The workshop was preceded by a capacity building exercise in which the same policy analysts were trained on different aspects of data analysis for industrial policy making.
The high-level event also built on previous achievements, including the development of a UNIDO diagnostic report that draws from international statistics on industrial development and a survey among industrial businesses in Guinea. The report, which was presented to the Government in December 2021, also highlights challenges and opportunities for industrial development and puts forward ideas related to prioritization and policy action.
UNIDO support to Guinea’s Industrial Policy design has been financed through its Global Industrial Policy Advice Facility, which benefits from the support of Germany’s GIZ, and the EU-backed REFILA project, which aims at building upgrading and standards compliance capacities for higher industrial competitiveness in Guinea via a set of measures including improvements in policy measures for industrial development.
For more information, please contact:
Bernard Bau
Industrial Development Officer
Ansoumane Berete
UNIDO Country Representative in Guinea