UNIDO ITPO Tokyo sharing knowledge and best practices on how to attract investments and technology from Japan
24 August 2022

TOKYO, 24 August 2022 - A webinar “How to Succeed in Attracting Investment and Technology from Japan” organized by UNIDO ITPO Tokyo took place as a side event of the Eighth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD8) in Tunisia. The seminar discussed investment promotion and technology transfer from Japan to Africa.
In his opening remarks, Rachad Bouhlal, Chair of the Trade and Investment Committee of the African Diplomatic Corps in Japan, and Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to Japan, stated that trade and investment are essential for the sustainable development of African countries. He cited examples where Japanese investments generated more than 50,000 jobs in Morocco and showcased how it contributed significantly to the socio-economic development of the Kingdom.
Representing UNIDO, Fatou Haidara, Managing Director, Directorate of Global Partnerships and External Relations emphasized, “technological progress is crucial to offer sustainable solutions to economic and environmental challenges”. She also called for more investment and technology transfer from Japan to Africa.
The event brought together investment and technology promotion experts from Africa and provided a platform to share and exchange best practices and knowledge on how to successfully engage with Japanese investors and technology providers. The experts highlighted the region’s business environment and opportunities for Japanese businesses. Participants were also provided with information on how to attract investments from Japanese companies to Africa and attain successful partnerships based on a long-term vision and the dedication and perseverance of investees.
In his closing remarks, Yasuhiro Nakayama, Assistant Director, Technical Cooperation Division, Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry of Japan, emphasized that Africa is an attractive growing market, and concluded the webinar by saying “Japan and Africa will continue to maintain a strong relationship as partners that cooperate and develop together.”
For further information, please contact:
UNIDO Investment and Technology Promotion Office in Tokyo, Japan (ITPO Tokyo),