UNIDO has formulated a number of tools that can be implemented as components of a cluster development project or stand-alone measures.
They include:
- Cluster mapping, the formulation of a taxonomy of existing clusters in a region or country.
- Awareness raising initiatives, i.e. events to sensitize promoters of cluster development.
- Training for policy makers, project managers and policy advisors involved in cluster development. Training programmes are delivered in the beneficiary countries as well as at the regional and global level and last from a few days to several months.
- Study tours to grant beneficiary firms and institutions exposure to the organizational forms, policies, institutional arrangements and technologies adopted by one or more dynamic clusters.
- Cluster twinning initiatives, including business-to-business networks, inter-institutional partnerships and alliances between cluster associations.
- Development of horizontal and vertical networks and export consortia.
- Monitoring and evaluation of networks and cluster development programmes. This can have different levels of intensity ranging form the appointment of a full time cluster development advisor, to regular monitoring missions by UNIDO experts.
- Training and support for the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility: CSR practices