UNIDO, FAO working together to reduce hunger, helping businesses from farm to fork
17 October 2022

ROME, 17 October 2022 - United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Director General Gerd Müller and UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Director General Qu Dongyu have agreed to new collaboration on a number of key areas, signing a memorandum of understanding on the margins of the World Food Forum.
The two agreed to work together on agri-food systems transformation and agribusiness value chains, in particular through the Agrifood Systems Transformation Accelerator global programme, and on job creation in rural areas for youth in Africa with a focus on agriculture and agribusiness. More generally, there will be new cooperation in food security and safety, mitigating environmental pollution in agri-food systems, and sustainable bio-economies as a whole.
Joint technical assistance will focus on infrastructure development (agro-industrial parks and corridors), the Food-Water-Energy-Ecosystem nexus, combatting desertification and spurring innovation in urban farming.
Reducing hunger by helping businesses from farm to fork, with a focus on sharing knowledge and technology to help reduce post-harvest losses and increase food security is a priority for UNIDO.