UNIDO organizes 2nd International Cluster Conference in Ghana
27 September 2023
Date: 22 August 2023
The 2nd Ghana International Cluster Conference attended by over 200 cluster experts, industrial experts, SMES and support institutions across Africa has ended in Accra with calls for more strengthened business clusters across the ECOWAS region and use of cluster development methodology for integration in the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).
The conference, organized by UNIDO, the European Union and the Ministry of Trade and Industries (MoTI) on the theme “Ghanaian Clusters, A Driving Force for the Economy”, showcased innovations and successful results in the fruits, cosmetics and cassava value chains targeted by the West African Competitiveness Programme. Thanks to the programme more than 43,000 companies throughout the country have benefited of direct technical assistance and are now producing products that conform to the market requirements, making them more competitive in the trade arena and more integrated in global value chains and in AfCFTA.
Participants from the African Union Commission, AUDA/NEPAD and other African Countries, such as South Africa, Uganda, Morocco and Regional Economic Commissions representatives have actively participated in the Conference and exchanged with Ghanaian counterparts to promote cluster development beyond Ghana.
WACOMP Ghana implements the UNIDO Cluster Development Approach as a strategic tool to boost SMEs competitiveness, foster a private sector-driven economy, capable of stimulating high rates of growth, generating employment opportunities and improving sustainable market access.
Hon. Mr. KT Hammond, Minister of Trade and Industry, in a speech read on his behalf, commended UNIDO and the European Union for the quality delivery and coordination they have demonstrated over the years working with the Government of Ghana to promote cluster development, industrial competitiveness and economic integration.
Mr. Stavros Papastavrou, UNIDO Representative in Ghana and Liberia, praised the joint implementation effort of Government of Ghana, the European Union and UNIDO, highlighting that “What WACOMP-Ghana has done is to prove that MSMEs do not need much to contribute to the economic growth of West Africa. What is needed is fair markets, fair trade, and access to finance on fair conditions”.
More information on the WACOMP Ghana are available on: https://www.wacompghana.org
Contact: Ebe Muschialli, TCS/SME/SDJ, e.muschialli@unido.org