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Clean Energy and Climate Action

Clean Energy and Climate Action Stand Picture

Addressing the urgent challenge of climate change, UNIDO focuses on leveraging renewable energy and enhancing energy efficiency to combat industrial greenhouse gas emissions and foster climate-resilient development. UNIDO adopts a multifaceted approach, including the widespread adoption of renewable and clean energies, more efficient global industrial energy use through technology and knowledge sharing, and the application of innovative solutions such as green hydrogen. UNIDO puts an emphasis on industrial decarbonization, with a focus on industries like steel and cement. In addition, the Organization promotes nature-based solutions to expand carbon sinks and enhance climate resilience while benefiting biodiversity and human well-being.

Photo gallery

The International Vienna Climate and Energy Forum
Attending the International Vienna Climate and Energy Forum
DG speaking at the Vienna Energy Forum (IVCEF)
The Director General speaking at the IVCEF
Sharksafe Barrier
SharkSafe Barrier, a cleantech solution to keep humans and sharks safe - GCIP
Ramaness and sustainable packaging GCIP
Showcasing sustainable packaging made from rice straw - GCIP
GEF Biogas Brazil project
Starch factory's biogas plant from the GEF Biogas Brazil project

MOUSTADAMA training in Palestine
Palestine CleanTech Champion 2023
Palestine CleanTech champion 2023 - MOUSTADAMA