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UNIDO Guide to Gender Analysis and Gender Mainstreaming the Project Cycle


UNIDO's Contribution to Gender Equality Progress across Critical Areas of Concern - Beijing+25


Guidance note: Gender Equality in the Sustainable Energy Transition (full publication forthcoming)


Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development: The Gender Dimension


WAQSP: Gender and Standards


Mainstreaming Gender in Cluster Development


Promoting women empowerment for inclusive and sustainable industrial development in the Middle East and North Africa region / Promouvoir l’autonomisation des femmes pour un Développement Industriel Inclusif et Durable dans la région Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord

A study on women entrepreneurship development in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia / Une étude sur l’entrepreneuriat féminin en Egypte, Jordanie, Liban, Maroc, Palestine et Tunisie

Gender equality and the empowerment of Women: An overview

Promoting Women Empowerment for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development in the MENA Region

Discussion paper

UNIDO Energy programme: Mutual benefits of sustainable energy and empowering women for inclusive and sustainable industrial development

Guide on Gender Mainstreaming: Business, Investment and Technology Services for Private Sector Development

Guide on Gender Mainstreaming: Trade Capacity-Building Projects

Guide on Gender Mainstreaming: Montreal Protocol Projects

Guide on Gender Mainstreaming: Environmental Management Projects

Guide on Gender Mainstreaming: Agribusiness Development Projects

Guide on Gender Mainstreaming: Energy and Climate Change Projects

Empowering Women - Empowering Humanity: UNIDO and the Beijing Platform for Action

Empowering Women: Fostering Entrepreneurship

Sustainable Energy for all: the Gender Dimensions

Joint UNWomen and UNIDO Guidance Note

Better access to growth

Mainstreaming gender in cluster development

Gender related obstacles to Vietnamese women entrepreneurs

Technical report

Making It Magazine

Issue 8: We can do it!

Women entrepreneurship development in selected african countries

Technical working paper