The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted as goal 9 “Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”. This confirms the provisions of the Lima Declaration and the relevance of ISID for the new global development architecture. ISID is credited with promoting value addition, realizing productivity gains and returns to scale, creating jobs and income, enhancing international competitiveness and trade, building efficient and effective productive capacity, supporting economic diversification, and building green industries.
UNIDO recognizes that stakeholder engagement and building solid partnerships are necessary to achieve development results. UNIDO’s convening role brings Member States, the private sector, civil society and other partners together in major outcome-oriented events that serve to exchange and disseminate knowledge and information, facilitate partnerships, and forge common positions and plans of action for inclusive and sustainable industrial development.
The scope of such events ranges from organizing regional forums, conferences, technical working groups or expert meetings, to presenting UNIDO publications and findings or participating in conferences hosted by organizations in the United Nations system or partner institutions.
Activities in this area are viewed as having informational, advocatory and normative functions and to be conducive to knowledge management. The convening function serves as an important and cost-effective tool to share knowledge and discuss best practices with a large audience. Such events can in turn also lead to the elaboration of new norms and standards, and can serve as the starting point for new avenues of research and technical cooperation.
The Green Industry Platform — a global high-level, multi-stakeholder partnership intended to act as a forum to catalyze, mobilize and mainstream action on Green Industry around the world — is a prime example of how UNIDO integrates technical cooperation activities with the convening function through partnerships.
To increase the impact of its technical cooperation, as well as to promote major issues related to industrial development, UNIDO has joined forces with other UN organizations and counterparts from the international community. A list of our partners in the UN system can be found here.
With its profound know-how in industrial development, in-depth knowledge of developing countries and transition economies, worldwide pool of experts and presence in the field, UNIDO is a natural partner for companies and private foundations interested in achieving common development goals and objectives. Working closely with the private sector, UNIDO builds partnerships that advance inclusive and sustainable industrial development while simultaneously driving business value. Find out more about UNIDO Business partnerships.
Networks are an important means for developing countries to exchange knowledge and step up their economic development. UNIDO thus assists Member States to uncover and share knowledge for industrial development through the use of knowledge networks. One knowledge networking approach that received wide recognition is the Networks for Prosperity initiative.