UNIDO proactively promotes the introduction of best available techniques and best environmental practices (BAT/BEP) in the different industrial source categories as the most important measure to the continued minimization of unintentionally produced POPs (uPOPs) releases such as dioxins.
UNIDO has developed a diverse portfolio of projects aimed at reducing and, where feasible, eliminating uPOPs releases from respective priority source categories such as from fossil fuel-fired utility, industrial boilers, waste incineration and secondary metallurgy, as well as from the textile and leather industries. UPOPs emissions are further reduced by developing recycling industries to avoid disposal through open burning. These projects promote the adoption of BAT/BEP in facilities of varying complexity and sizes, in a manner that protects human health and reduces adverse environmental impacts.
The UNIDO approach emphasizes the engagement and involvement of private sector entities through participatory funding systems. It also focuses on the provision of appropriate training to plant personnel on the concepts of BAT and BEP in order to reduce the emissions of uPOPs and other substances. Through the application of appropriately selected technologies and best environmental practices, UNIDO’s interventions simultaneously increase energy efficiency and reduce uPOPs releases. This helps countries address climate change, while meeting their obligations under the Stockholm Convention.
For further information, please see our Stockholm Convention publication (p. 21-31) and China BAT/BEP project leaflet.