Industrial Policy
We develop tailored industrial policy recommendations for Member States and offer practical policy solutions to drive economic growth and industrial development at the local, regional and global level.
UNIDO’s Approach
UNIDO offers a wide range of industrial policy services that are grounded in empirical evidence and integrate solid research and policy analysis and the use of reliable and timely statistics. Our policy advisory services aim to enhance the technical, policy and normative knowledge base for inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID), strengthen institutional capacities, and foster multi-stakeholder partnerships and industrial cooperation at the country, regional and global levels.
Capacity development lies at the core of UNIDO’s industrial policy services and comprises analytical, operational and political capabilities which are assessed at the individual, organizational and system resource level. UNIDO supports Member States in developing these competencies and skills along all stages of the policy cycle. The four key principles that underpin UNIDO’s industrial policy work are (i) the counterpart’s ownership of the policy process, (ii) their buy-in throughout the policy project, (iii) the involvement of a wide range of stakeholders in the policy process, and (iv) the counterpart’s assumed responsibility to devise industrial strategies and policies.
Industrial Policy Tools
RPA has developed several useful policy tools, including the Enhancing the Quality of Industrial Policies (EQuIP) toolkit, which currently comprises 12 ISID-related policy tools; the Industrial Analytics Platform (IAP), which provides country data on select indicators of industrial development and analytical briefs; a capacity development programme which offers trainings and workshops for different stakeholders, and a newly developed online package for Industrial Value-Chain Diagnostic for Policy Making (IVCD4PM), including a quantitative Chain Analysis Tool (CAT). Moreover, a comprehensive database on horizontal and vertical industrial policies applied globally is being developed.
Global Industrial Policy Facility
The Global Industrial Policy Advice Facility (PAF) provides direct short-term, demand-driven policy advisory services to support policymakers throughout the policy-making process—from policy design to implementation—as well as indirect advisory services by sharing knowledge products and best practices, including policy studies, reviews and briefs.
Project Information
The Policy Team conducts projects that address all aspects of the policy process. As demonstrated by the examples below, they differ in terms of scale and scope, .
Past projects
- Support to the Sultanate of Oman for the review and revision of its industriali…
- Expanding the EQuIP diagnostics toolkit
- Capacity development programme for policymakers on environmentally sustainable …
- Capacity development programme: sustainable energy solutions
- Support to the Government of Cuba for the review and development of its industr…