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UNIDO Publications


IID Policy Brief 20: The new era of industrial policy in Africa: from SDG assessment to policy solutions

2025  |  Author(s): R. Asiama, E. Avenyo, A. Habiyaremye, P. Ncube, F. Tregenna, C. Donnelly & A. Lavopa

#Policy Brief

Africa stands at a crucial juncture, with both significant challenges and a vast potential for transformative growth through industrial development. Despite progress, the continent faces substantial gaps toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in access to energy, economic growth, job creation, industrialization, and innovation. Future-ready industrial policies that are rooted in Africa’s unique context and resources can catalyse SDG progress by creating economic resilience, driving innovation, generating decent jobs, and spurring structural transformation. This policy brief explores how African countries can engage with and leverage global megatrends such as the energy transition, digital transformation, and regional integration to unlock sustainable development opportunities.

IID Policy Brief 19: The costs of sustainability driven regulations: Pathways for a fair distribution

2025  |  Author(s): Colette van der Ven & Sanvid Tuljapurkar, Virpi Stucki, Stefan Pahl & Helena van Thiel

#Policy Brief

International trade has brought significant opportunities for economic diversification and development. Global supply chains, however, have also long been associated with environmental degradation and human rights abuses. Since voluntary commitments have
proven insufficient to end harmful practices in their entirety, countries around the world are adopting sustainability-driven regulations, imposing mandatory requirements for more sustainable production and trade. Adapting to these new requirements comes at
a cost, both for businesses and at the country level and there are increasing concerns, particularly in industrializing countries, about the burden that these costs may represent. This policy brief contextualizes current discussions, by distinguishing between different
types of sustainability-driven supply chain regulations and associated costs of compliance.

The Multilateral Industrial Policy Forum (MIPF) - Outcome document

2025  |  Author(s): UNIDO

The second edition of the Multilateral Industrial Policy Forum (MIPF) 2024, organized jointly by UNIDO and the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources (MIM) of Saudi Arabia, took place from 23-34 October in Riyadh. The Forum brought together high-level Member State representatives, industry stakeholders and experts to explore innovative approaches and solutions for advancing inclusive and sustainable industrial development aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), centred around three key themes—artificial intelligence and automation in manufacturing, the energy transition, and resilient supply chains.


IID Policy Brief 17: Trade for Industrial Development: Leveraging the Potential of BRICS for Developing Countries

2025  |  Author(s): B. Tse, F. Hartwich

#Policy Brief

With the recent expansion of the BRICS  the organization is becoming an important platform for cooperation between emerging markets. As of end-2023, BRICS already represents a population of almost four billion people and a combined economy of over USD 28.5 trillion, or 27 per cent of the world’s economy, and is expected to grow rapidly. Against the backdrop of an increasingly influential BRICS this policy brief examines what the BRICS bloc has achieved, how it has shifted global trade, and how developing countries can better benefit from their BRICS membership and relations.

IID Policy Brief 18: The multiplier effect of industrial jobs

2025  |  Author(s): A. Lavopa, F. Riccio

#Policy Brief

Industrialization has historically been regarded as the main avenue to move upwards in the income ladder due to its potential to create a large number of well-paid, high-quality jobs. In recent years, rapid technological change and the automation of many industrial processes have questioned the potential of industry to drive development and create productive jobs. This policy brief challenges this pessimistic view. It provides fresh estimates on the multiplier effect of different sectors of the economy on job creation and shows that manufacturing industries have the largest employment generation potential. 

Advancing Gender Equality, Empowering Women

2025  |  Author(s): UNIDO

This publication highlights inspiring success stories and good practices showcasing how UNIDO is tackling gender disparities and discrimination against women and girls, while improving their participation and leadership across the worldThey demonstrate the power of governments, the UN system, the private sector and associations working together in driving impactful changes. Transformed policies and practices mean women and girls having more equal access to education and employment, a voice in driving these changes, and decent jobs to support themselves, their families, and their communities. These stories illustrate sustainable transformation, where both women and men thrive and become leaders to drive inclusive and sustainable industrial development.

Fostering the role of women in berries and nuts value chain

2024  |  Author(s): UNIDO

This study provides a comprehensive assessment of the gender dynamics within Ukraine’s berries and nuts sector, with a particular focus on Quality Infrastructure. It aims to ensure that the project’s activities equip women with the necessary skills, competencies, and tools to make a significant impact on the sector, while also benefiting the industry by addressing its professional and support needs. The findings will help shape strategies to promote gender equality and support women in their evolving roles, ultimately contributing to the resilience and sustainability of Ukraine's economy.

Case Studies: Circular Economy Implementation in Ukraine

2024  |  Author(s): UNIDO

This publication, prepared by UNIDO with support of the Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Centre (RECPC) as National implementing partner under the EU-funded EU4Environment Action, explores circular economy approaches in Ukraine. It features national case studies from local companies, gathered through RECPC’s collaboration with industry and a company survey, along with additional cases sourced from publicly available resources.

IID Policy Brief 16: The new era of industrial policy in Latin America and the Caribbean: from SDG assessment to policy solutions

2024  |  Author(s): J. Ferraz, W. Peres, A. Lavopa, C. Seri

#Policy Brief

Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) has shown mixed results in their performance towards achieving the SDGs most closely related to industrial development. Significant progress is observed in energy-related SDGs  but large gaps are registered in the targets related to employment, economic growth, industrial development and innovation. This brief presents specific case studies from the region to illustrate how targeted policies can foster industrial development to address current gaps while leveraging on existing opportunities tied to these megatrends.

The Role of the G20 in Promoting Green and Just Transitions

2024  |  Author(s): UNIDO, OECD, ILO, UNCTAD

A green and just transition – i.e. concerted global and national efforts to achieve worldwide carbon neutrality by or around the mid-century globally, in an inclusive manner and adapted to each national context – requires an active co-operation of all countries, developed and developing. It also entails ensuring that no one is left behind, and offering support to those in need, including least developed countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Guided by the preamble of the Paris Agreement, this report proposes ways for G20 and developing countries to enhance the coherence of their policies towards that vision, deepen their co-operation and render the international architecture better suited to the implementation of green and just transitions.

IID Policy Brief 13: The new era of industrial policy in Eastern Europe: from SDG assessment to policy solutions

2024  |  Author(s): Z. Zavarská, B. Jovanović, O. Pindyuk, A. Lavopa, G. Martí

#Policy Brief

Recent years have witnessed a shift towards more active industrial policy interventions in Eastern Europe. However, challenges remain and targeted interventions to spur industrial competitiveness and bring the region closer to realizing the SDGs by 2030 are urgently needed. This policy brief presents some areas where modern industrial policies can accelerate SDG progress by leveraging advanced digitalization, clean energy production, FDI attraction and regional integration.

IID Policy Brief 14: The new era of industrial policy in Asia-Pacific: from SDG assessment to policy solutions

2024  |  Author(s): A. Mishrif, R. Rasiah, C. Donnelly, N. Haraguchi

#Policy Brief

Asia-Pacific has shown considerable progress toward achieving the SDGs, particularly in areas such as access to energy and industrial production. However, challenges remain in the adoption of clean energy, employment, and innovation. Modern industrial policy can play a key role in bridging these gaps. This policy brief highlights how Asia-Pacific countries can leverage opportunities in green energy, digitalization, regional integration, and demographic changes to accelerate progress toward achieving SDG 7, 8, and 9.

International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics - 2024

2024  |  Author(s): UNIDO

#International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics

The 30th edition of the International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics summarizes the long-term transformation of global industry over the past decades as it develops to become the ’Industry of the Future’. This will be defined by intelligent production systems which are powered by sustainable energy, reusing resources and materials, and harnessing the power of digitalization and AI to optimize quality and productivity. In addition to this big picture overview, our Yearbook presents the latest and emerging trends in industry worldwide, as well as specifically in the various regions and sectors around the world.