UNIDO field projects are in line with the three dimensions of inclusive and sustainable industrial development
Creating shared prosperity
Angola - Developing entrepreneurial youth
The Entrepreneurship Curriculum Programme (ECP) was launched as a pilot in 2009, bringing together partners from governments, the UN system and the private sector. In 2010, Chevron Angola joined the multi-partner initiative as a part of the company’s national Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy.
Armenia - Transition to a better life
In support of the Government’s efforts, numerous United Nations organizations, including UNIDO, developed a project in the Kotayk and Gegharkunik regions to create a basis for sustainable development in local communities by using an integrated approach covering poverty reduction, education, health, and local environmental challenges.
Bangladesh - Arsenic-free drinking water
UNIDO, with the support of the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security (UNTFHS), has assisted the Government of Bangladesh with an arsenic removal project in areas with the highest levels of arsenic intoxication.
Djibouti - Empowering the poor and women in flood-prone communities
The project helped empower vulnerable communities, especially women, in flood-prone communities by diversifying their livelihood options while at the same time teaching them to cope with unforeseen floods.
EU - UNIDO Cooperation with the EU 2005-2015
A partnership for inclusive and sustainable industrial development
Global - Pharmaceuticals
With the financial support of the Government of Germany, UNIDO initiated a project to strengthen local production of essential medicines and to contribute to improved access to affordable medicines.
India - Gears of growth
Since 1999, UNIDO has assisted Indian small and medium-sized enterprises within the automotive component sector to overcome challenges related to low productivity, insufficient and inconsistent quality, and scalability, so that they could become more efficient, reliable and cost-effective suppliers of automotive parts.
India - Combining businesses
With the financial support of the United Kingdom's Department for International Development (DFID), UNIDO developed a support programme to strengthen four selected clusters and their SME networks that work with handlooms, handicrafts and non-timber forest products.
Indonesia - Supporting reconstruction efforts
With funds from the Government of Japan through the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security (UNTFHS), UNIDO and the International Labour Organization (ILO) are implementing a project to support the islands’ reconstruction and reconciliation process.
Lao PDR - Opium-free livelihoods
In 2007, UNIDO, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Government started a project to alleviate opium dependence and elevate living standards. The project combined the technical expertise and comparative advantages of both organizations.
Liberia - Promoting industrial skills on Liberia’s path to recovery
UNIDO helped upgrade Liberia’s training infrastructure to the needs of modern industry. Vulnerable groups, particularly youth, were trained in the operation and maintenance of heavy equipment.
Malawi - Improving livelihoods of HIV/AIDS-affected households
UNIDO, in collaboration with the Malawian Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, developed the Salima Agricultural Technology (SATECH) project to secure the socio-economic foundation necessary for livelihood recovery in 17 poor rural communities in the Salima District.
Morocco - Women entrepreneurs
UNIDO, in collaboration with the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), devised an entrepreneurship programme to improve the income opportunities of the rural population whilst enhancing the competitiveness of small-scale olive oil producing, textile and fruits and vegetable drying groups managed by women.
Mozambique - Investing in a new generation
In 2007, with the support of UNIDO and funding from the Government of Norway, the Ministry of Education and Culture introduced the Entrepreneurship Curriculum Programme (ECP) in secondary and vocational schools throughout the country.
Namibia - Entrepreneurial youth for prosperity
UNIDO assisted the NIED in developing and testing entrepreneurship syllabi, teacher guides and assessment manuals, in addition to conducting in-service
teacher training workshops, while private publishers prepared student textbooks.
Pakistan - Towards gender parity: women in creative industries
Expanding employment and creating livelihood opportunities for women has been achieved by the establishment of the Business Growth Center which aims to work towards enhancing ability, mobility, visibility and connectivity of women entrepreneurs.
Rwanda - Growth through entrepreneurship
UNIDO assisted the NCDC in designing entrepreneurship syllabi, teacher guides and student textbooks, in both English and in French, in addition to training ECP
teachers and implementing a pilot programme.
Uganda - Skills for peace
With the financial support of the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security (UNTFHS), UNIDO launched the Skills for Peace and Income (SKIPI) project. The project aimed at facilitating the social and economic re-integration of veterans, former rebels and their families in the post-conflict situation in northern Uganda.
Uganda - Partnering for job creation
UNIDO supported the introduction of the ECP in secondary schools, in addition to assisting the NCDC in the development of entrepreneurship syllabi, teacher guides, student textbooks, monitoring tools and in-service teacher training.
Tunisia - Fostering youth employment through entrepreneurship and enterprise development
The project aims at enhancing the knowledge and delivery capacity of local business support institutions and provides direct support to entrepreneurs and enterprises through technical assistance, training and business coaching.
Advancing economic competitiveness
Burundi - Ensuring quality and sustainability along the coffee value chain
UNIDO is helping Burundi improve the performance of exports and facilitate the access of the local products to regional and international markets.
Central Asia - Regional trade capacity training programme
Based on a solid analysis of trade challenges and opportunities, and in close cooperation with the Network on Metrology, Accreditation and Standardization for Developing Countries (DCMAS) the programme is designed to encourage systemic trade development along value chains.
Côte d'Ivoire - Safer cocoa and coffee beans for export markets
With funds from the European Union, UNIDO assisted the Ministry of Agriculture of Côte d’Ivoire in adapting an internationally acceptable analysis of coffee and cacao beans.
Ecuador - Revival of the textile/garment industry
Together with the Ministry of Trade and Commerce, UNIDO introduced a cluster approach to improve competitiveness and market access and helped establish business networks among leading enterprises.
Egypt - Trace me back
UNIDO established the Egyptian Traceability Centre for Agro-Industrial exports (ETRACE), funded under an Italian-Egyptian Debt-for-Development Swap programme, to make Egyptian agro-industrial export safer, more competitive and compliant with stringent market standards and regulations.
Lebanon - Market access and compliance for Lebanese exports
LibanPack offers a wide range of services aimed at improving the quality of packaging and labelling in order to ensure conformity with international standards and increase the competitiveness of Lebanese exports.
Serbia - Accessing international markets
In 2007, UNIDO launched a two-year business partnership and cluster development programme to strengthen the automotive cluster in Serbia, which drew on the Slovenian automobile cluster set-up.
Tunisia - Fostering youth employment through job creation and entrepreneurship development
In 2013, UNIDO launched a new initiative in Tunisia that aims at encouraging youth employment through entrepreneurship and enterprise development in four vulnerable regions: Kairouan, Kasserine, Le Kef and Sidi Bouzid.
Safeguarding the environment
Guatemala - National Cleaner Production Centre
The Centre is a non-profit technical institution and is supported by UNIDO, UNEP, as well as some national institutions such as the Del Valle University, the Sugar Manufacturers Association and the Chamber of Industry.
Guinea Current - Turning the tide
UNIDO, in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), developed a strategic action programme for the Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem.
India - Climate-friendly refrigerators
With the financial support of the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, UNIDO worked very closely with two large Indian refrigeration manufacturers (Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. and Videocon Appliances Ltd.) towards developing new CDM methodologies, with the aim of reducing environmental pollution and improving competitiveness.
Latin America and the Caribbean - Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) programme
The overall objective of UNIDO’s Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) programme is to increase the productivity and competitiveness of industry in an environmentally sound and inclusive manner, preparing small and medium-sized enterprises for the challenges of competing on international markets.
Gulf of Mexico - Protecting the ecosystem
In partnership with the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and the Governments of Mexico and the United States, UNIDO initiated a regional project to promote sustainable management of the Gulf’s resources with a focus on restoring fisheries and fish stocks and reducing nutrient enrichment to safe ecosystem levels.
Philippines - Partnering for sustainable change in the foam industry
UNIDO has been assisting the Government of the Philippines in replacing the use of HCFC-141b in the foam sector in 19 enterprises so that the country can achieve its phase-out targets.
Rwanda - Energy access for rural communities
UNIDO, in cooperation with the Rwanda Ministry of Infrastructure, has implemented a project to promote renewable-based energy development for productive uses. The aim of the project is to contribute to poverty alleviation and economic growth by providing access to affordable modern energy in rural areas.
Slovakia - National Cleaner Production Centre
The Centre in Slovakia is a non-profit organization and a business enterprise, enabling the Centre to work effectively in delivering value-adding services to businesses. At the same time, it acts as a public advocate for Cleaner Production and retains the experience from close collaboration and joint efforts.
South Mediterranean region - Greening industries along the Mediterranean Sea
UNIDO is assisting Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia to adopt environmentally sound technology, tackling highly polluted sea water as a result of land-based activities.
Sub-Saharan Africa - Ecotourism
Together with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), UNIDO aims to reduce the degradation of coastal and marine environments and to enhance sustainability. The project is being implemented in Cameroon, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, Seychelles and the United Republic of Tanzania.
Viet Nam - National Cleaner Production Centre
With funds from the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), the National Cleaner Production Centre of Viet Nam (VNCPC) was established in 1998 and is part of the Hanoi University of Technology. By the end of 2009, the VNCPC had 16 employees and was active in the following industry sectors: pulp and paper, textile, food processing, seafood processing, metal finishing, building materials, chemicals and handicraft.