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Small hydropower

Small hydropower

Helping industries and local communities in developing and transition countries advance a sustainable, reliable and low-cost energy source.

Small hydropower (SHP) is an integral part of a broader UNIDO strategy towards sustainable industrial development and the transition to a clean energy future. UNIDO is a strong advocate of small hy­dropower since this renewable energy technology provides access to clean and cost-efficient energy, and helps reduce CO2 emissions, achieve greater ener­gy independence and improve the living standards of local communities. SHP con­tributes to mitigating climate change and reducing poverty.

SHP plants are beneficial for industry as well as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) thanks to their higher electricity production capacity and longer expected lifetime. They create opportunities for SMEs development and economic leap-frogging. For remote rural areas, SHP plants can serve as the primary energy source and provide grid stability for isolated grid solutions.

SHP brochure

UNIDO's expertise in small hydropower

UNIDO has a long track record and expertise in the area of small hydropower. For 20 years, support­ed by its broad network of international experts, UNIDO has been providing expert knowledge on SHP development and construction. Solutions are adapted to the needs of Member States and their industries, including SMEs, and UNIDO serves as an enabler and a mediator for projects of varying scales. UNIDO targets countries in need of sustainable electricity, least developed, as well as de­veloping countries and countries in transition, that possess an available running water resource network. The Organization develops comprehensive and viable projects (from concept to implemen­tation) by bringing together key elements: partners, knowledge, technologies and funding. 

Download our SHP brochure

UNIDO's small hydropower portfolio


Small Hydropower Technical Guidelines

Combining global expert cooperation and successful experiences, UNIDO developed its Small Hydropower Technical Guidelines (SHPTGs). The Tech­nical Guidelines are a means of sharing know-how and best practices from all over the world and serve as an important source of information for poli­cymakers, industry and academia. They provide exceptional technical and multidisciplinary support for each stage of a project: site selection, plan­ning, pre-feasibility study, feasibility study, construction, installation, op­eration and management.


World Small Hydropower Development Report

World Small Hydropower Development Reports

The World Small Hydropower Development Reports (WSHPDRs) are the result of a collaborative effort among UNIDO, the International Center on Small Hydro Power (China) and over 200 local and regional partners (small hydropower experts, organizations, engineers, academics and ministries across the globe). WSHPDRs provide baseline information, successful ex­periences and a strategic outlook for countries to develop their renewable energy plans. The Reports are an important knowledge resource for the global development of small hydropower and serve as a crucial guide for policymakers and investors.

Small Hydropower Service Package

Small Hydropower Service Package

The Small Hydropower Service Package, is a model that facilitates the mobilization of partners, investments and other resources and helps create synergies to achieve a more significant development impact. The approach comprises six modules, which enable UNIDO to develop projects that are best suited to a country-specific con­text and future climate change scenarios.

Opendata and ICSHP

Field projects in eighteen countries on three continents

Worldwide in 2023, 21 SHP plants are operational and 18 are under con­struction. Technical support for UNIDO’s SHP projects on the global level is provided by the International Center on Small Hydro Power in Hangzhou, China. Find our country activity-reports from different years

For more information, please contact:

LIU Heng
Senior Technical Advisor, Climate and Technology Partnerships Division at UNIDO
