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Computer Model for Feasibility Analysis and Reporting (COMFAR) – 4th Generation

Empowering Sustainable Investments through Robust Financial Analysis and Global Collaborations



COMFAR addresses the critical need for robust, accessible and affordable financial analysis and feasibility appraisal tools in developing and middle-income countries. Many projects in these regions struggle with investment readiness due to poorly structured proposals and a lack of commercial, financial, and management skills. By modernizing to meet evolving demands, the tool enhances the quality of industrial project formulation and enables investment and financial partnerships, while promoting sustainable development and investment in key transformative sectors.


COMFAR's primary objective is to increase the bankability of industrial projects. Its latest edition, COMFAR 4, will provide a scalable, cloud-based feasibility analysis tool rooted in UNIDO's proven methodology, spanning 40 years of organizational experience. Through comprehensive training, capacity-building, and a sound methodology, UNIDO’s COMFAR empowers stakeholders—including SMEs, DFIs, and governments—with the tools, skills and knowledge to conduct financial analysis, thereby improving project quality and sustainability.

COMFAR is a flexible, accessible, affordable, cloud-based, advanced financial modeling and impact assessment tool which enables accurate feasibility studies that improve project bankability and investment readiness.


Through comprehensive training and methodologies, COMFAR 4 empowers stakeholders—including SMEs, DFIs, and governments—with the skills and knowledge to conduct financial analysis, thereby improving project quality and sustainability.


As a sector-neutral solution, COMFAR fosters innovative and otherwise unlikely public-private partnerships by facilitating joint ventures and investment collaborations based on original profit-sharing modalities. It promotes ISID across diverse sectors.

Estimated implementation duration
6 months
Potential locations for implementation:


Designed to meet the unique challenges faced by developing and middle-income countries, COMFAR addresses the critical need for accessible and affordable financial analysis tools. Many projects in these regions struggle with investment readiness due to poorly structured proposals and insufficient commercial, financial, and management skills. By modernizing to adapt to evolving global demands, COMFAR improves financial forecasting, strengthens strategic decision-making, and enhances project formulation, thereby fostering sustainable development and investment in key sectors both within and outside UNIDO’s framework.

Key Indicators

11K Users

160+ countries

40+ Years of experience

19 languages provided

4 development generations


SDG 1: No Poverty
SDG 8: Decent work and Economic Growth
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production
SDG 13: Climate action
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
SDG 2: Zero Hunger

UNIDO Priorities:

Ending hunger
Clean energy and climate action
Sustainable supply chains

Thematic Area(s):

Sustainable agribusiness
Agro-technology and innovation
Digital transformation
Job creation
Gender equality and women
Investment promotion
Training and skills
Technology used

Technology Used

Web-based digital software, Cloud computing, Cybersecurity measures, Computer modeling, scalable for AI/ML

Catalytic outlook

Catalytic Outlook

The deployment will contribute to close the staggering 4 trillion USD annual investment gap to reach the 2030 SDGs, building hundreds of new and bankable investment pipelines.

Unique Characteristics

Unique Solution Characteristics

The only solution of its kind allowing for simultaneous financial analysis at an enterprise level and an economic analysis at a macro level. One application applicable to the entire investment cycle.

Previous Funding Source(s)
Dedicated Resources
  • Digital, cloud based application
  • Manuals and guidelines
  • Training offers and trainers’ networks
  • Teaching materials

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