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Global Programme for Hydrogen in Industry

Comprehensive solutions for building a hydrogen economy in developing countries

Green Hydrogen category photo


Clean hydrogen presents unique opportunities for net-zero industrial development in developing countries, especially those with abundant renewable power potential. It can drive job creation, skill enhancement, investment mobilization, and energy security, while also enabling these countries to participate in the global hydrogen trade. However, various obstacles hinder the establishment of a sustainable hydrogen economy in these regions, preventing them from fully capitalizing on the potential benefits that hydrogen offers.

The most significant challenges faced by developing countries include the absence of conducive policies and regulations, appropriate standards, and quality infrastructure. Financial instruments and the necessary skills and knowledge are also lacking, along with limited access to affordable hydrogen technology, systems, equipment, and infrastructure. Furthermore, effective coordination between key stakeholders at the national, regional, and global levels remains a significant hurdle. UNIDO's program is designed to help developing countries overcome these challenges, fostering a more inclusive and sustainable hydrogen economy.


In 2021, UNIDO launched its Global Programme for Hydrogen in Industry (GPHI) to support developing countries and transition economies in overcoming various challenges that hinder hydrogen development. The Programme encourages a just hydrogen transition, with a strong emphasis on social and environmental considerations.

Through its Programme, UNIDO aims to influence and guide the development of market polices, standards, skills, financing instruments, innovation and coordination between key stakeholders that play an essential role in the development of a just and sustainable hydrogen economy. In its technical cooperation projects in different countries, UNIDO also supports the development of green hydrogen industrial clusters. 

Supporting a just hydrogen transition through the creation of an enabling framework environment for the acceleration of clean and low-carbon hydrogen projects.

Assisting developing countries in facilitating reliable standards and quality infrastructure development, which serves as critical enablers of the sector's long-term success.

Assisting developing countries in preparing adequate skills and know-how to boost resilient and sustainable industrialization based on clean hydrogen.

Advocating for developing countries and fostering constructive dialogue and information exchange between key stakeholders at national, regional, and international levels.

Accelerating countries' innovation capacities.

Mobilizing funding for hydrogen projects in developing countries.

Supporting developing countries in accelerating the application of locally produced clean hydrogen in industrial zones, clusters and parks.


Hard-to-abate industries such as steel production, cement, chemicals and heavy transport together account for 20% of global CO2 emissions. Hydrogen can help countries around the world achieve their decarbonization & climate goals.

20-25 million new jobs created by global hydrogen economy by 2050 in hydrogen production and transportation

50% of new jobs created are expected in emerging markets and developing economies

180 Mt (p.a.) total H2e required by 2035 to stay on track with climate targets

40 Mt (p.a.) global clean hydrogen demand estimated by 2030


SDG 5: Gender Equality
SDG 6: Clean water and Sanitation
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean energy
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
SDG 13: Climate action

UNIDO Priorities:

Clean energy and climate action

Thematic Area(s):

Renewable and clean energy
Industrial decarbonization
Sustainability standards and trade
Technology used

Technology Used

The Programme addresses diverse technologies along the clean hydrogen value chain:

Upstream: Renewable energy generation through wind and solar power -> Water provision through sea water desalination technology -> Hydrogen production through electrolysis

Midstream: Transport (maritime, road, pipelines) and storage (physical and material-based technologies)

Downstream: Hydrogen end use: Industrial transformation (Haber Bosch Synthesis, Fischer Tropsch Synthesis), transport (e-fuels, dual engines, fuel cell technology), power generation and grid stabilization.

Catalytic outlook

Catalytic Outlook

The Programme aims to promote a Just Transition of industry in developing countries and transition economies by fostering local production and application of clean hydrogen.

Unique Characteristics

Unique Solution Characteristics

Given the complexity and dynamism of a just hydrogen transition, UNIDO has built its Global Programme around two pillars, “LEAD” and “ACT”, which draw on and feed into each other’s resources, expertise and networks.

The Programme consists of 1) The Global Partnership for Hydrogen in Industry and 2) the Technical Cooperation (with country-specific tailored interventions).

Previous Funding Source(s)
  1. Global Environment Facility
  2. Green Climate Fund
  3. Government of Italy
  4. Government of China
  5. Government of Germany
  6. Government of the Netherlands
  7. Government of Slovenia
  8. Government of the United Kingdom
Dedicated Resources

Knowledge products: Green Hydrogen Industrial Cluster Guidelines, Green Hydrogen Policy Toolkit, Sustainability Guidelines ( download link)

Upcoming Programme-related training sessions and dedicated events will be announced on the Programme’s website.

Hydrogen project support: Technical assistance to pilot projects as well as industrial clusters (check countries currently assisted under the Programme)

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