World Without Hunger Conference
Hunger and malnutrition remain among the most vital challenges facing humanity. Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires a well-coordinated effort among all stakeholders.
To deliberate on the gravest challenges of our time, the World Without Hunger Conference is a three-day long event consisting of solution-oriented technical sessions, an investment forum, and a high-level political forum.
Over 1,500 high-level stakeholders, including Heads of State/Government, Ministers, UN agencies, the private sector, financial institutions, donor community, DFI/IFI, civil society, non-governmental organizations, academia, and media will be present.
The conference is co-organized by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the African Union Commission (AUC), and the Government of Ethiopia, with technical assistance of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
Day 1 will begin with an opening plenary, which will set the scene for high-level discussions on agribusiness, innovation, climate change, and fair trade. It will be followed by four technical sessions, which will bring together representatives from different stakeholder groups introducing their contributions and efforts to demystify the current challenges and create a path to a more sustainable and secure food system for everyone. A field visit to a site for CEOs and others in cooperation with the Government of Ethiopia will also take place.
Day 2 will feature the Investment Forum. It builds on the four technical sessions of Day 1, and will demonstrate investment opportunities in agribusiness infrastructure, technology and renewable energy. The objective of the Forum will be to create a dynamic platform for Governments, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and startups to pitch greenfield and SME-based projects focusing on achieving a world without hunger to potential investors.
Day 3 of the Conference will facilitate high-level statements by heads of state and government representatives. In addition, it will host a high-level government to business (G2B) dialogue among selected representatives. Finally, the political forum will conclude with the presentation of the Conference outcomes, including the Addis Ababa Call to Action for A World Without Hunger as well as the main results to be reported in the Conference Outcome Report.
For more information on how to join our new public-private partnership initiative, “A World Without Hunger is Possible!", contact: partnerships@unido.org
Confirmed speakers and high-level participants

His Excellency Mr. Taye Atske Selassie
President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

His Excellency Mr. Abiy Ahmed
Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Mr. Gerd Müller
Director General, United Nations Industrial Development Organization

Mr. Moussa Faki Mahamat
Chairperson, African Union Commission

His Excellency Mr. Temesgen Tiruneh
Deputy Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
High-level Dignitaries

His Excellency Mr. William Samoei Ruto
President, Kenya

His Excellency Mr. Julius Maada Bio
President, Sierra Leone

His Excellency Mr. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
President, Brazil

His Excellency Mr. Amadou Oury Bah
Prime Minister, Guinea

His Excellency Mr. Kamel Madouri
Prime Minister, Tunisia

His Excellency Mr. Xavier Bettel
Vice-Prime Minister and Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs, Luxembourg

His Highness Sheikh Khaled bin Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan
Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Executive Council, the United Arab Emirates
Ministers and other Governmental Officials

His Excellency Mr. Salem Abdullah Eissa Salem Al-Socatri
Minister of Agriculture and Fish Wealth, Yemen

His Excellency Mr. Wellington Dias
Minister of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight Against Hunger, Brazil

His Excellency Mr. Melaku Alebel
Minister of Industry, Ethiopia

His Excellency Mr. Belete Molla
Minister of Innovation and Technology, Ethiopia

Her Excellency Ms. Ergoge Tesfaye
Minister of Women and Social Affairs, Ethiopia

His Excellency Mr. Jose Juan Ndong Tom Mekina
Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Forests, Fisheries And Environment, Equatorial Guinea

His Excellency Mr. Cem Özdemir
Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, Germany

His Excellency Mr. Baboucarr Ousmaila Joof
Minister of Trade, Industry, Regional Integration, and Employment, Gambia

His Excellency Mr. Demba Sabally
Minister of Agriculture, Gambia

His Excellency Mr. Girma Amente
Minister of Agriculture, Ethiopia

His Excellency Mr. Mark Cyubahiro Bagabe
Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Rwanda

His Excellency Mr. Alpha Ibrahim Sesay
Minister of Trade and Industry, Sierra Leone

His Excellency Mr. Henry Musa Kpaka
Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Sierra Leone

Her Excellency Ms. Mahasin Ali Yagoub Nozol
Minister of Industry, Sudan

His Excellency Mr. Abubakr Omer Albushra Ahmed
Minister of Agriculture, Sudan

His Excellency Mr. Vitalii Koval
Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food, Ukraine

His Excellency Mr. Anxious Jongwe Masuka
Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Resettlement, Zimbabwe

Her Excellency Ms. Scholastica Tanneh Nyenkan-Nimley
Acting Minister of Commerce and Industry, Liberia

His Excellency Mr. Namgyal Dorji
Minister of Industry, Commerce and Employment, Bhutan

His Excellency Mr. Salim Mvurya
Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of Investments, Trade and Industry, Kenya

His Excellency Mr. Rezq Basheer-Salimia
Minister of Agriculture, State of Palestine

His Excellency Mr. Andrew Paygar Flangiah
Deputy Minister for Industry, Liberia

Her Excellency Ms. Florence Nambozo Wamala
Minister of State for Karamoja affairs, Uganda

His Excellency Mr. Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal
Special Envoy of the Federal Chancellor for Global Affairs, Austria

Her Excellency Ms. Tahian’ny Avo Maminjatovo Razanamahefa
Secretary of State in charge of Food Security to the President’s Office, Madagascar

His Excellency Mr. Juma Eusebius Mukhwana
Principal Secretary, Ministry of Investments, Trade, and Industry, Kenya

His Excellency Mr. Hashil Twaibu Abdallah
Permanent Secretary of Trade and Industry, Tanzania

His Excellency Mr. Meles Mekonnen
State Minister, Ministry of Agriculture, Ethiopia

His Excellency Mr. Grégoire Mutshayi
State Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Her Excellency Ms. Yoeu Asikin
Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Cambodia

His Excellency Mr. Kosal Oum
Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Commerce, Cambodia

Mr. Tareq El-Houby
Chairman of the Board of Directors, National Food Safety Authority, Egypt

His Excellency Mr. Aklilu Tadesse
State Minister, Ministry of Tourism, Ethiopia

Mr. Mandefro Nigussie
Chief Executive Officer, Agriculture Transformation Institute, Ethiopia

Ms. Hanna Arayaselasie
Head Commissioner, Ethiopian Investment Commission, Ethiopia

Ms. Meseret Bekele
Director General, Ethiopian Standard Institute, Ethiopia

Mr. Debela Bote Adugna
Director General of the Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority, Ethiopia

Mr. Habtamu Simachew Belay
Senior Legal and Policy Advisor, Ethiopian Investment Commission, Ethiopia
International Organizations and Associations

Mr. Albert M. Muchanga
Commissioner for Trade and Industry, African Union Commission

Ms. Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko
Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment, African Union Commission

Ms. Amani Abou-Zeid
Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy, African Union Commission

Mr. Máximo Torero Cullen
Chief Economist, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Ms. Najat Mokhtar
Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications, International Atomic Energy Agency

Mr. Gunther Beger
Managing Director, Directorate for SDG Innovation and Economic Transformation, UNIDO

Ms. Aurelia Calabro
Director, Division of Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women, UNIDO

Mr. Escipión J. Oliveira-Gómez
Director of the Division of Enterprises Competitiveness and Institutions, International Trade Centre

His Excellency Sheikh Ebrahim bin Khalifa Al Khalifa
Chairman Board of Trustees of the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions

Mr. Samaila Zubairu
President and Chief Executive Officer, Africa Finance Corporation

Mr. Wissam H. Fattouh
Secretary General of the Union of Arab Banks

Ms. Amany Asfour
President, Africa Business Council

Mr. Solomon Sabiti Rutega
Secretary General, Inter-African Coffee Organisation

Mr. Mohammed Usman Abdul-Razaq
Senior Vice President, Africa Finance Corporation

Mr. Mohammed Alyami
General Manager of Development Effectiveness Office, Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector, Islamic Development Bank

Ms. Alice Usanase
Lead, Europe, Middle East & Francophone Africa, Africa Finance Corporation

Ms. Diana Akullo Ogwal
Principal SPS Officer, Directorate of Trade in Goods and Competition, AfCFTA Secretariat

Ms. Mary Porter Peschka
Regional Director for Eastern Africa, IFC

Ms. Leyla Traoré
Head of Representation for Ethiopia and the African Union, European Investment Bank

Mr. Amare Ayalew
Senior Advisor, African Union Commission

Mr. Dennis Munuve
Principal Renewable Energy Investment Officer, African Development Bank

Mr. Kazuhiro Numasawa
Manager, Agriculture Finance and Rural Infrastructure Development, African Development Bank

Mr. Miguel Zamora
Coffee Public-Private Task Force Coordinator, International Coffee Organization

Ms. Petra Schwager
Chief of the Climate and Technology Partnership Division, UNIDO

Mr. Karim Ould Chih
Chief Advisor Innovative Finance, UNIDO

Mr. Yunus Alokore
Program Director, East African Centre for Renewable Energy and Efficiency, East African Community

Ms. Kornelia Iipinge-Silishebo
Program Director, Energy-Water Food Nexus, SADC Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, Southern African Development Community

Ms. Agnes Kalibata
President, Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa

Mr. Samuel Godefroy
President, Global Food Regulatory Science Society and President Elect, International Union of Food Science and Technology

Ms. Madeline Muga
Strategy and Impact Director, Fairtrade Africa

Mr. Baybars Altuntas
Chair, World Business Angels Investment Forum

Mr. Matt Kovac
Chief Executive Officer, Food Industry Asia

Ms. Carin Smaller
Executive Director, Shamba Center for Food and Climate

Ms. Lena-Maria Russ
Managing Director, Maschinenring Foundation

Mr. Obai Khalifa
Deputy Director, Agricultural Development, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Mr. Patrick Tonui
Head of Policy and Regional Strategy, Global Association for the Off-Grid Solar Energy Industry

Mr. Abraham Lartey
Energy and hydrogen policy researcher, SOAS London

Ms. Chiara Scaraggi
Agro-value Chain Expert, UNIDO

Ms. Fiona Muthoni Naringwa
Business Journalist and Host, Rwanda Broadcasting Agency

Mr. Hastings Nhlane
Founder and CEO, ACADES

Ms. Sakina Usengimana
Chief Executive Officer, Afri-Foods Ltd

Mr. Flavien Kouatcha Simo
Chief Executive Officer, Africaine Avicole SARL

Mr. Akram Elbaloula
Chief Executive Officer, Blue Nile Mashreg Bank

Mr. Jerome Namaseb
Chief Executive Officer, Daures Green Hydrogen Village

Ms. Anne Muraya
Chief Executive Officer, Deloitte East Africa

Ms. Priscilla Musenge
Chief Executive Officer and founder, Entomo Farm

Ms. Aisha Raheem
Chief Executive Officer, Farmz2U

Ms. Sarah Hessel
Head of Impact and Sustainable Finance Regulation, Finance in Motion

Ms. Henriette Noutchogouin
Co-CEO, Groupe NJS Cameroun

Ms. Vanessa Adams
Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Level4International

Mr. Jemal Ahmed Abdu
Chief Executive Officer of MIDROC Investment Group

Mr. Zeraye Mehari
Executive Officer, Horticulture, AgroCluster, MIDROC Investment Group

Mr. Mandla Nkomo
Chief Executive Officer, Partners in Food Solutions

Ms. Bhavana Pramod Bagalwadi
Co-Founder, Deep Carbon Africa Pvt Ltd, Mauritius

Ms. Susan Payne
Co-Founder and COO, Sustainable Planet

Mr. Matthias Berninger
Executive Vice President of Public Affairs, Sustainability and Safety, Bayer AG

Mr. Andras Bogyay
General Manager, Boortmalt Ethiopia PLC

Mr. Abdullah Bagersh
General Manager, SA Bagarish

Mr. Ferdinand Schmitt
Managing Director, CAISLEY International

Mr. Steffen Tiemann
Vice President Africa and Middle East, CLAAS

Mr. Fassil Yilma
Country Leader, Corteva Agriscience Ethiopia PLC

Mr. Pramod Bagalwadi
Chief Executive Officer, East Africa and Vice President, Customs & Regulatory Affairs: Middle East & Africa Region, DHL Global Forwarding

Ms. Didem Özkan-Luers
Executive Consultant Global Education, FESTO Didactic

Ms. Claudia Voss
Managing Director, German-African Business Association

Ms. Seble Makonnen
Founder/Managing Director, Lal Honey

Mr. Richard Vattay
Founder and Director, Water&Soil Ltd

Mr. Mohammed Benzekri
Chargé de Mission for the COO, OCP Africa

Mr. Saad El Makhfi
VP of Supply Chain & Production, OCP Group

Mr. Sophaseila Sakett
Delegate Director, Confirel

Ms. Hiromi Suda
Business Development Manager, Tsubame BHB

Mr. Marco Kruse
Program and Partnership Manager, HRNS

Ms. Lay Pheng Ooi
Chief Executive Officer, Berjayapak

Ms. Tabitha Njuguna
Managing Director, AFTL Kenya

Ms. Ikram Chahlaoui
Strategy Manager, Food Security & Innovation, Middle East and Africa Region, Bühler Group