General Conference, Eighth session
- IDB.21/10 - Annual Report UNIDO 1998 (Volume one)
- GC.8/1 - Provisional Agenda
- GC.8/1/Add.1 - Annotated provisional agenda
- GC.8/2 - Report of IDB on the work of its 19th session
- GC.8/3 - Report of the IDB on the work of its 20th session
- GC8/4 - Report of the IDB on the work of its 21th session
- GC.8/5-IDB.21/15 - Industrialization of the Least Developed Countries
- GC.8/6-IDB.21/18 - Implementation of the Business Plan in Africa
- GC.8/6.Add.1-IDB.21/18 Add.1 - Conference on Industrial Partnerships and Investment in Africa
- GC.8/7-IDB.21/20 - Arab Countries Programme, including Technical Assistance to the Palestinian People
- GC.8/8-IDB.21/21 - Implementation of the Business Plan in Latin America and the Caribbean
- GC.8/9-IDB.21/23 - Development of Human Resources for Industry
- GC.8/10-IDB.21/26 - Progress in the Transformation of UNIDO
- GC.8/11 - List of States included in the Annex I of the Constitution of UNIDO
- GC.8/12 - Ajustments to the 1998-1999 programme and budgets (withou an annex)
- GC.8/13 - Implementation of the Business Plan in Europe and NIS
- GC.8/14 - Implementation of the Business Plan in Asia and the Pacific
- GC.8/15-IDB.21/30 - Implications of the Euro for UNIDO
- GC.8/16 - Programme and Budgets, 2000-2001 (Contents)
- GC.8/16 - Programme and Budgets, 2000-2001 (Executive summary)
- GC.8/16 - Programme and Budgets, 2000-2001 (Pages: 19 - 88)
- GC.8/17 - Financial situation of UNIDO, including arrears
- GC.8/18 - Mobilization of financial resources for UNIDO programmes (including the Industrial Development Fund)
- GC.8/20 - Matters related to intergoverrnmental, non-Governmental, governmental and other organizations
- GC.8/21 - Financial situation of UNIDO, including arrears - unutilized balances of appropriations (annex not attached)
- GC.8/22 - UNIDO Forum on Sustainable Industrial Development
- GC.8/INF.4 - Decisions and Resolutions