Clean hydrogen, produced from renewable energy sources, is being promoted as the fuel of the future for being clean, storable and portable. While it can serve as a clean energy carrier and storage option for renewable energy, clean hydrogen also has the potential to substitute fossil fuel to decarbonize “hard-to-abate” economic activities and creates unique opportunities for a net zero industrial development for developing countries that have abundant renewable power potential.
An energy transition pathway aligned with the 1.5°C scenario, will require the production of clean hydrogen on a global scale to reach approximately 492 million tonnes (Mt) and 31.5 Mt of blue hydrogen, compared to the 95 Mt of grey hydrogen currently being produced. However, several bottlenecks hamper the scale-up of clean hydrogen production. A shortage of renewables and high capital and production costs for clean hydrogen renders the current price per kilo too high to be cost-competitive. Moreover, the lack of a domestic market, bottlenecks in trade-infrastructure and investment shortages, inter alia, slow down the development of clean hydrogen production in developing countries.
In addition to supporting decarbonisation efforts in renewable-poor countries, international trade of clean hydrogen could supplement the balance of payment for the renewable rich countries. However, the international transport of clean hydrogen still faces major technological and regulatory uncertainties. No internationally accepted standard for hydrogen exists. UNIDO is supporting ISO to develop one, but national capacity for implementation and certification needs to be developed.
To date, around 50 countries have developed dedicated clean hydrogen strategies, of which 40% developing countries, to provide some direction in addressing these challenges. Many developing countries boast a distinct advantage to tap into the transition to clean hydrogen. In addition to the decarbonisation prospects offered, clean hydrogen also creates unique opportunities for these countries to leapfrog to clean hydrogen production as a clean energy solution and energy security. It opens up participation in the global hydrogen trade, which will account for about one-quarter of the total global hydrogen demand by 2050. Clean hydrogen offers new opportunities for net zero industrial development and creates local value addition, thereby paving the way for job creation, skills upgrading, investment mobilization and wealth creation. Clean hydrogen can reinforce developing countries’ overall economic resilience and drive the development of a diversified and knowledge-based economy. The clean transition enabled by clean hydrogen can in many aspects be regarded as a new industrial revolution.
Discussion Points
To raise awareness and induce discussion among Member States of the potential of Hydrogen to help achieve a net-zero industrialization in renewable-rich countries and what it takes for the transition to be a just and fair one.
Mr. Markus Exenberger, Executive Director H2 Global
Markus Exenberger is a member of the Executive Board of the H2Global Stiftung. He is an economist and engineer and spent 20 years managing large and complex energy portfolios in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas, dealing in particular with the development of large-scale energy and infrastructure projects. Among others, he worked for the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH and international consulting companies. Markus has initiated H2Global together with Timo Bollerhey.
Ms. Sylvie Mahieu-Sorensen, Head of Private Sector Operations – East Africa, African Development Bank
Sylvie Mahieu-Sorensen is an investment professional with 15 years of experience in project management and infrastructure financing in Africa. She joined the African Development Bank (AfDB) in 2013, working first on the appraisal of public sector energy operations, before joining the private sector Infrastructure Finance & PPP division in 2015, and the Energy Financial Solutions team in 2018. Over the past 10 years at the Bank, Sylvie was based in Tunis, Abidjan and Nairobi. As chief investment officer, Sylvie led the appraisal, structuration and negotiations of power generation projects totalling about 1.5 GW of capacity across Africa. She now heads private sector operations for the AfDB in East Africa, covering 13 countries of the region, across sectors.
Ms. Anne Katrine Bjerregaard, Head of Strategy, Sustainability and ESG, Mærsk Mckinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping
Over the past 14 years, Ms. Bjerregaard has worked with on innovation, technology-development and sustainable development in shipping through both private stakeholders like Maersk and not-for-profit organizations like Green Ship of the Future. Since 2020, she has been part of the Mærsk McKinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping and is currently leading the Strategy and Sustainability work there. She holds a Msc. from Copenhagen Business School and an executive MBA from the Technical University of Denmark.