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UNIDO Director General renews call for a ‘Marshall Plan’ with Africa at the African Union Summit on Industrialization and Economic Diversification

26 November 2022

Debt relief for Least Developed Countries (LDCs), local manufacturing capacities, fair access to global financial markets and compensation for damages caused by climate change are the necessary actions for Africa’s accelerated growth, said United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Director General, Gerd Müller.

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AIW2022-Index launch

Boosting reliable and accurate industrial data in Africa through the African Industrial Observatory and Industrialization Index

24 November 2022

NIAMEY - Availability of quality data, leading to better qualitative analyses and accurate forecasts for the formulation of sound industrial policies on the African continent, is getting a boost with the launch of the African Industrial Observatory (AIO) and the African Industrialization Index (AII).

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Boosting Africa’s industrialization through South-South and triangular cooperation

24 November 2022

"The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is committed to stimulating South-South and triangular cooperation as a means of accelerating Africa’s industrialization as it will lead to greater innovation and opportunities for developing countries to learn from each other and share good practices”, said Managing Director Fatou Haidara.

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Agro-industrial parks: a proven policy tool in line with the aspirations of the African Union Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want

24 November 2022

NIAMEY - “The creation of five large agro-industrial zones, one in each region of Africa, will serve as major agricultural hubs on the continent, and it is time to stimulate private and public investments in the agro-industries,” said African Union’s Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy, and Sustainable Environment, Josefa Sacko.

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UNIDO's investment project preparation and appraisal (IPPA) e-learning course

23 November 2022

VIENNA - UNIDO releases a new online course on investment project preparation and appraisal (IPPA). The course aims to support investment promotion agencies and investment promotion institutions in creating and developing bankable investment opportunities to enhance financial flows through mobilizing domestic investments and attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) to accelerate sustainable economic growth in their countries.

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Jordan presents its AI Strategy and Implementation Roadmap

Jordan presents its AI Strategy and Implementation Roadmap

17 November 2022

SWEIMEH - The Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship of Jordan (MoDEE), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the United Nations Economic and Social Commission (UN ESCWA) and the European Union Delegation in Jordan presented the country’s  Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strategy and Implementation Roadmap for Jordan (2023-2027) at the 9th edition of the MENA ICT Forum 2022.

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 investment promotion

Dominican Republic: taking investment promotion to the global level

16 November 2022

SANTO DOMINGO - Diplomatic missions of the Dominican Republic pioneered the use of UNIDO’s Invest in ACP Platform for global investment promotion efforts by digitally showcasing the country’s investment opportunities to potential global investors. Investment opportunities and investment-related information available on the Invest in ACP Platform provides precision targeting of specific investors based on opportunity type, sector, source of investment markets and size.

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Blue agenda in Indonesia

The Blue Agenda in Indonesia to accelerate sustainable ocean development

14 November 2022

NUSA DUA - The Indonesian Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment, together with eight United Nations agencies, including UNIDO and its international development partners, launched the National Blue Agenda Actions Partnership (NBAAP) on the margins of the 17th G20 Leaders’ Summit in Bali. This new partnership aimed at supporting the Government of Indonesia in accelerating progress toward achieving the National Medium-Term Development Plan on the blue agenda.  This initiative will help drive achievement toward the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, and the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.

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UNIDO-Azerbaijan signs Cooperation Framework

Bringing Azerbaijan’s innovation ecosystem to a new level

14 November 2022

VIENNA - Increasing national capacities in the application of Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies and accelerating the digital transformation are priorities for Azerbaijan. Over the past two years, the Government of Azerbaijan and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) have been working together to strengthen the innovation ecosystem and unlock the country’s potential for digital transformation.

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At COP27, Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition calls for rapid deployment of clean energy technologies to achieve Paris Agreement goals

11 November 2022

SHARM EL-SHEIKH - The Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition (CEET), a high-level body of engineers and energy system experts helping build the UN Secretary General’s coalition to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, has convened for the first time at the UN climate change conference (COP27).

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