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Empowering women and girls in digitalization and Industry 4.0

Digitalization and Industry 4.0 can create opportunities to narrow the gender gap and are particularly relevant in the context of tackling women’s economic empowerment around the globe.

Levelling the field for gender equality in the energy sector

Gender diversity drives innovation, opens new pathways for technology deployment, brings valuable perspectives to social and economic development and provides a richer pool of talent for key and emerging industries.

Uniting for gender equality in Egypt’s date palm sector

In Egypt, women are working alongside men marking a positive shift toward greater gender diversity and inclusion in the date palm industry.

Women's leadership in Indonesia’s modern seaweed processing industry

Women play a crucial role in the Indonesian seaweed value chain, from farming and harvesting to processing and marketing. This article showcases the crucial role of women in seaweed farming and highlights woman's leadership in the country's modern seaweed processing industry.

Rebuilding the carpentry profession in Liberia

Following years of civil war that devastated the country's education system, a new initiative is revitalizing Liberia's carpentry schools.

Women entrepreneurs catalyzing change in wastewater treatment sector in Morocco

In 2018 Bougarrani co-founded Green WATECH with a vision to provide an innovative and affordable wastewater treatment solution to the rural communities in Morocco.

Rabeha: empowering women in rural Egypt

Rural women are key agents for achieving sustainable development. They play a crucial role in agriculture production, rural enterprises and improving the wellbeing of their households.

Women, SMEs and sustainable development – lessons learnt