Industrial development in North African countries – A statistical profile.pdf
Working Paper 3
2014 | Author(s): Jaime Moll de Alba
Working Papers
Industrial development in North African countries – A statistical profile.pdf
Working Paper 3
2014 | Author(s): Jaime Moll de Alba
The industrial policy process in Ghana.pdf
Working Paper 2
2014 | Author(s): Abubakari Zakari,Amadou Boly
Growth and distribution pattern of the world manufacturing output A statistical profile.pdf
Working Paper 2
2014 | Author(s): Antonio Andreoni,Shyam Upadhyaya
Manufacturing as an engine of growth Which is the best fuel?.pdf
Working Paper 1
2014 | Author(s): Nicola Cantore,Michele Clara,Camelia Soare,v
Multinationals in sub-Saharan Africa Domestic linkages and institutional.pdf
Working Paper 6
2013 | Author(s): L. Pérez-Villar,Adnan Seric
Youth productive employment through entrepreneurship development.pdf
Working Paper 5
2013 | Author(s): Philippe Jochaud
The structure and growth pattern of agro-industry of African countries.pdf
Working Paper 9
2012 | Author(s): UNIDO Statistics Unit
Which domestic firms benefit from FDI? Evidence from selected African countries
Working Paper 8
2012 | Author(s): Amadou Boly,Nicola Coniglio,Francesco Prota,Adnan Seric
Diaspora investments and firm export performance in selected sub-Saharan African countries.pdf
Working Paper 6
2012 | Author(s): Amadou Boly,Nicola Coniglio,Francesco Prota,Adnan Seric
Industrial Development in Least Developed Countries
Working Paper 5
2012 | Author(s): Amadou Boly
Pro-employment manufacturing development in large countries.pdf
Working Paper 4
2012 | Author(s): Nobuya Haraguchi,Gorazd Rezonja
Economic diversification strategies A key driver in Africa’s new industrial revolution.pdf
Working Paper 2
2012 | Author(s): Helmut Asche,Philipp Neuerburg,Matteo Menegatti
R in the Statistical Office Part II.pdf
Working Paper 1
2012 | Author(s): Valentin Todorov,Matthias Templ
Productive Capabilities Indicators for Industrial Policy Design.pdf
Working Paper 17
2011 | Author(s): Antonio Andreoni
Energy efficiency in developing countries for the manufacturing sector.pdf
Working Paper 15
2011 | Author(s): Nicola Cantore
Barriers to energy efficiency International case studies on successful barrier removal.pdf
Working Paper 14
2011 | Author(s): Ernst Worrell
Policy options to overcome barriers to industrial energy efficiency in developing countries.pdf
Working Paper 13
2011 | Author(s): Alexandra Mallett,Sheridan Nye,Steve Sorrell
Industrial energy conservation, rebound effects and public policy.pdf
Working Paper 12
2011 | Author(s): Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh