Uniting for gender equality in Egypt’s date palm sector
16 March 2023 | By: Elena Cooke and Navjot Kaur
In Egypt, women are working alongside men marking a positive shift toward greater gender diversity and inclusion in the date palm industry.
Uniting for gender equality in Egypt’s date palm sector
16 March 2023 | By: Elena Cooke and Navjot Kaur
In Egypt, women are working alongside men marking a positive shift toward greater gender diversity and inclusion in the date palm industry.
Sustainable solutions: improving healthcare waste management in Iran in the wake of COVID-19
15 March 2023 | By: UNIDO
Collaborating with UNIDO, Iranian hospitals rapidly deployed autoclaves to manage the upsurge in infectious medical waste during the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring efficient and eco-friendly disposal.
Climate action: young Egyptians making more of energy management
14 March 2023 | By: Charles Arthur
UNIDO training sessions help meet the needs of the rapidly growing sustainable energy sector.
Vehicle and machine maintenance in Ethiopia: Hanna Nigusse is a role model for young women
10 March 2023 | By: Tamiru Legesse Obole
In Ethiopia, as in so many countries, women’s participation in the industrial sector is generally low compared to other sectors.
Sri Lanka to slash industrial energy waste and greenhouse gas emissions
16 January 2023 | By: Charles Arthur
Accelerating Industries’ Climate Response in Sri Lanka is a five-year initiative to help the country’s industrial sector transition to a low-carbon future.
Supply chain governance is changing. What’s at stake for developing countries?
22 December 2022 | By: Jenny Larsen
Forthcoming European legislation on due diligence will put heavy demands on large companies to ensure that human rights and environmental standards are met across their supply chains. But the new ...
Bees and tractors: creating jobs and expanding economic opportunities in Somalia
22 December 2022 | By: Laura Gil Martínez
It is 6:00 a.m. and Mohamed Dhicis is up and ready for work. Dressed in a thick, white cotton canvas suit, which covers his entire body, he walks into the apiary housing tens of thousands of bees.
Using cutting-edge technology to accelerate the growth of Türkiye’s bioenergy sector
15 December 2022 | By: The Industrial Decarbonization Accelerator
The country’s bioenergy sector is growing, and a UNIDO-supported scheme is helping industry pioneers adopt the latest technologies to help the market thrive.
Eco-industrial parks take a foothold in Indonesia
12 December 2022 | By: UN team in Indonesia
UNIDO has been supporting MM 2100 and has also been working, since July 2020, with the Ministry of Industry on a roadmap to create an incentivizing regulatory environment for industrial parks to ...
Digging deep into Suriname’s pineapple belt transformation
05 December 2022 | By: Rana Fakhoury
Dotted with neat rows of green-fringed pineapple crowns, the village of Philipusdorp is one of a number of rural areas across Suriname undergoing an agricultural transformation with the support of ...
How are industries in low- and middle-income countries coping with the energy crisis?
20 November 2022 | By: The Industrial Decarbonization Accelerator
The world is experiencing its first truly global energy crisis, as a complex web of geopolitical issues cause prices for natural gas, oil and coal to soar. This has seen some industries in Europe ...
COP27: why global action is needed to decarbonize industries
07 November 2022 | By: Rana Ghoneim
Without more meaningful global partnerships on industrial decarbonization, there’s a big risk that we won’t be able to deliver on our climate commitments. We cannot afford this.
Ethiopia: spotlight on leather and agribusiness
21 October 2022 | By: Charles Arthur
Director General visits leather tannery and site of an integrated agro-industrial park
Are emerging economies already engaging with Industry 4.0 technologies?
17 October 2022 | By: Michele Delera, Carlo Pietrobelli, Elisa Calza and Alejandro Lavopa
Greater investment should go into firm-level research into technology adoption in developing and emerging economies - particularly at a time when technological upheaval and the COVID-19 pandemic ...
Empowering women and girls in digitalization and Industry 4.0
20 September 2022 | By: Elfi Klumpp
Digitalization and Industry 4.0 can create opportunities to narrow the gender gap and are particularly relevant in the context of tackling women’s economic empowerment around the globe.
La transformation numérique, moteur de l’entrepreneuriat en Tunisie
14 September 2022 | By: UNIDO
L'accélération de la transformation numérique apporte un changement sans précédent à notre quotidien. Les nouvelles technologies continuent de révolutionner le fonctionnement des entreprises, la façon ...
Digitalization is driving entrepreneurship in Tunisia
08 September 2022 | By: Charles Arthur
In Tunisia, as in many countries around the world, the COVID-19 crisis has accelerated digital transformation. But in the country’s interior regions, businesses still face barriers to fully exploit ...
31 August 2022 | By: Anna Tutner
[...We are women from every part of South Africa. We are women of every race, we come from cities and towns. We shall not rest until we have won fundamental rights of freedom, justice and security…]
Global value chains in times of multiple crises
17 August 2022 | By: Nicola Cantore, Alejandro Lavopa and Niki Rodousakis
Efficiency, substitution and resilience are keywords for action.