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Policy Tools

policy tools including customized national green industry assessments

We believe in fostering evidence-based policies and do so by providing policy tools including customized national green industry assessments.

We also develop action plans based on national government priorities, sectoral level analyses and initiatives, and guidelines for improved industrial production processes, which drive resource-efficient productivity, and low-carbon transition to foster sustainable economic growth.

We have worked with a wide range of government and industry stakeholders in diverse socio economic and environmental contexts including Brazil, China, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Morocco, Thailand, South Africa, and Uruguay, to provide customized solutions to reach sustainable industrial development goals. Read a sample of our recommendations below and get in touch with our team to find out how we can support you in doing the same.


Industrial Policy in Developing Countries

2016 | UNIDO

Practitioner's Guide to Strategic Green Industrial Policy


Green Industrial Policy and Trade - A Tool-Box


Green Industrial Policy - Concept, Policies, Country Experiences

2017 | UNIDO

Circular Economy Brochure