ISO 9001—Its relevance and impact in Asian Developing Economies
Complying with ISO 17025: A Practical Guidebook for Meeting the Requirements of Laboratory Accreditation Schemes Based on ISO 17025:2005 or Equivalent National Standards
May 2010 Update for Complying with ISO/IEC 17025: A Practical Guidebook for Meeting the Requirements of Laboratory Accreditation Schemes Based on ISO/IEC 17025:2005 or Equivalent National Standards
Aid for Trade: A Global Call for Action. UNIDO’s Contribution
A Roadmap to Quality. An e-learning Manual for Implementing Total Quality Management. Volume 1
A Roadmap to Quality. An e-learning Manual for Implementing Total Quality Management. Volume 2
Product Quality. A Guide for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Industrial Performance and Capabilities of Cameroon. Analysis of the Industrial Sector
Role of Measurement and Calibration in the Manufacture of Products for the Global Market. A Guide for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Role of Standards. A Guide for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Lima Y Limón: Estudio Agroindustrial en el Ecuador: Competitividad de la Cadena de Valor y Perspectivas de Mercado
Piña. Estudio Agroindustrial en el Ecuador: Competitividad de la Cadena de Valor y Perspectivas de Mercado
Relevance of UNIDO Services to the Responses to the WTO Questionnaire in Document G/TBT/W/178
Industrial Performance and Capabilities of Cameroon. Analysis of the Industrial Sector
Accréditation — Certification — Normalisation-Métrologie — Promotion de la qualité. Contribution à l’étude du droit lié à la qualité dans l’espace UEMOA
Promouvoir l’accès des produits agroalimentaires de l’UEMOA au marché de l’Union européenne
Le système ouest-africain d’accréditation. Clef d’accès aux marchés mondiaux
Les petites et moyennes entreprises alimentaires à l’heure de la qualité
Establishment of National Capability Providing Instrumentation Support Services: Case Study
Negocios en el Ecuador: Elementos del Costo País
Debt Swaps: A New Opportunity to Finance Trade Capacity-Building. The Project UNIDO-Italy-Egypt
Laboratory Accreditation in Developing Economies: Tested Once - Accepted Everywhere
Methodological Guide: Restructuring, Upgrading and Industrial Competitiveness
Guide méthodologique: Restructuration, mise à niveau et compétitivité industrielle