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UNIDO Publications


Annual Report 2020

2021  |  Author(s): UNIDO

#Annual Report

The statement that the year under review was a special one has never been truer than for 2020: a very exceptional year for every one of us. Just as we entered the Decade of Action, determined to accelerate progress towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda, the COVID-19 pandemic gripped the world, causing widespread loss of life, human suffering and lost livelihoods.

Circular economy and the Montreal Protocol Division

2019  |  Author(s): UNIDO

#Montreal Protocol

The aim of this publication is to introduce the work of UNIDO’s Montreal Protocol Division (MPD) and its support for the circular economy. It illustrates how the Division integrates circular economy practices into its services, which include the conversion of production facilities, product design, capacity building, new business models and policy advice. It presents selected MPD case studies that highlight a key aspect of the circular economy, one which epitomizes its very essence – the value of products, materials and components is retained by slowing their flows and enabling their reuse. This is exemplified in three interlinked areas of MPD’s work – increasing the recovery, recycling and regeneration of refrigerants, materials and components; designing out harmful substances through greening product design; and increasing the lifetime of refrigeration and air conditioning appliances. It highlights how, in all aspects of MPD’s work, effort is made to ensure that product lifetime is extended, resources are optimized, waste is minimized and value is retained.