Driving the Transition to Tourism Industry 4.0 Powered by Digital Technologies - Montenegro
Driving the Transition to Tourism Industry 4.0 Powered by Digital Technologies - Montenegro
Innovative Upgrading and Global Branding of Health Industry in the Bama County - China
Sustainable Upgrading of Textile and Garment Industry - Uzbekistan
Strengthening the Implementation Design of AI Eco-System - Jordan
Establishment of a Cross-Border Blockchain Node - Tanzania
Promoting the Uptake of the Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies in the Mogilev Region - Belarus
Strengthening the Innovation Ecosystem - Azerbaijan
Industrial Upgrading and Modernization Programme - Venezuela
Promoting and Upscaling the Innovative SMEs in Iran
Leveraging the Potential of Fourth Industrial Revolution - Belarus
Promoting Sustainable Bush-Processing Value Chains - Namibia
Improving Competetiveness of Export-Oriented Industries in Armenia Through Modernization and Market Access - Armenia
Improving The Technology And Quality Control System For Higher Value Addition in the Post-Harvest Processes Of The Rice Value Chain - Ghana
Other publications
Mapping the use of artificial intelligence in priority sectors and the competitiveness of Ukraine
Guidelines for the Establishment of a Smart Factory Lab
Alliance for I4.0 and Smart Manufacturing in Africa (AISMA)
Gender, Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence
Empowering Digital Transformation in Small Enterprises
IID Policy Brief 12: Bridging the AI divide: Empowering developing countries through manufacturing
IID Policy Brief 4: Aligning digital and industrial policy
Smart Agribusiness, Innovation and Digitalization