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Manual de Implementación para Parques Eco-Industriales

Published: 2017

Numerosas publicaciones, herramientas y estudios, elaborados con el apoyo de la ONUDI, están directa o indirectamente relacionados con el desarrollo y la ejecución de parques eco-industriales. La razón fundamental de este manual es reunir la experiencia técnica de la ONUDI en el desarrollo y ejecución de proyectos de PEI, así como para proporcionar una orientación demostrada en este tema.

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#Eco-industrial parks

MOODLE - Implementation handbook for eco-industrial parks
Self Paced
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#Eco-industrial parks

Implementation Handbook for Eco-Industrial Parks

Published: 2017

Numerous publications, tools and studies, delivered with UNIDO support, are directly or indirectly related to the development and implementation of eco-industrial parks. The rationale for this handbook is to bring together the technical experience of UNIDO in developing and implementing EIP projects as well as to provide demonstrated guidance in this area.

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#Eco-industrial parks   #Industrial competitiveness   #Trade capacity building

MOODLE - Implementation handbook for eco-industrial parks
Self Paced
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#Eco-industrial parks   #Industrial competitiveness   #Trade capacity building

Development of Clusters and Networks of SMEs: The UNIDO Programme - A Guide to Export Consortia

Published: 2005

This guide is based on UNIDO’s (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) and Federexport’s (Italian Federation of Export Consortia) experience in the development and promotion of export consortia gained in a variety of industrialized and developing countries. An effort was also made to review international good practice.

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#Trade capacity building   #SME development   #Industrial competitiveness

MOODLE - Development of clusters and networks of SMEs The UNIDO programme a guide to export consortia
Self Paced

#Trade capacity building   #SME development   #Industrial competitiveness